Ty Lee is basically Aphrodite

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I know I said I would update this like a month ago, but we get a new project in yearbook like every week.


Ty Lee's pov
I strutted into The Jasmine Dragon and saw Katara sitting at a booth, sipping from a cup.

She looked up at me as I sat down. Katara looked very tense and confused.

I smiled at her and broke the long silence. "So, Katara, how's it going with Jet? I heard he was going to school in Omashu."

She smiled, though it seemed forced. "We're great, its not really about Jet though- well it is but not really- I- I just don't know what to do Lee. I think I might be falling out of love with him."

Katara looked near tears as she said this. "But you two were literally the power couple in Ba Sing Se. Was there anything behind the scenes that made you 'fall out of love' with him?"

Before Katara could answer, Zuko walked up to our table to take my order. I asked for the secret tea. It was this drink that Iroh has been working on. He calls it boba. It's delicious, really.

Zuko walked back and started on my tea and Katara looked back at me. "There's a lot of behind the scenes. He makes me go to parties with him. He leaves me alone at said parties and I get lost and end up calling Sokka or Suki to come pick me up. Jet comes back like 2 days later and acts like nothing happened."

Zuko came and gave me my boba, and I thought about this situation as I sipped it, chewing on the little balls.

"You did mention something about a 'cute air bender' when you called me, so, tell me about him."

Katara blushed and regaled me with the tale of how they met, and the last time they saw eachother.

"So, what's this guys name?" Somehow, Katara forgot to tell me the air bender's name.

She blushed and smiled once again and looked away. "Oh, it's Kuzon."

Me and Katara chatted about random things, like how Azula should get together with Chan until Sokka's shift ended.


I know. Two months for that stanky, musty dusty crusty chapter. I'll update by Wednesday I swear.

Also, me and my friend gae-sewer-rat  made an account with each other so we could write stories together so it would be great if you could follow us! dam_sewer_rat is the account.

Chocolate potato ✌️

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