Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! I had a dream, some time ago, and I knew I had to put my thoughts into words. I usually write from a single person's point of view, but this time I tried something different. Maybe it will suck, maybe not :). I would love for you all to let me know if you like it. Or if you don't, that would help too. I have some ideas in mind for this story, something already written down, but who knows how things will turn out, in the end. I accept suggestions, feel free to message me anytime. I am so open to collaborations :). So here is the first chapter.

Kisses, G.

December 2013

Parents teachers meeting at the Frankenmuth high school one day in December. Karen and Kelly Kiszka, having four kids, decide to split in order to talk to as many teachers as possible. However, when it's time to talk about their twins Josh and Jake, they decide to be together. They know their boys are having a hard time in school. Grades are not good, studying hours in the afternoon reduced to ten minutes every now and then, between band practices. Thankfully, the other two younger kids, Sam and Ronnie, are doing great in school. But the twins...

Being at work most of the day, Karen and Kelly can't watch over their kids to make them study. And they also are almost eighteen years old, they need their independence. The parents were able to make them study when they were freshmen or sophomores, but now that they are seniors and don't intend to go to college after school, Josh and Jake seem to have lost every interest in school studies.

Miss Roberts, the math teacher, is sitting at a desk talking to a woman who's leaving. Karen and Kelly are up next. They move to the desk and sit down in front of the teacher, who greets them politely but quite harshly too, writing down something on a paper. Then she looks up at them studying their faces, her glasses on the tip of her nose. Just like the teacher everyone imagines. "and you are..?", she asks. They've seen each other before, but being with parents the whole day is exhausting, and Beatrice Roberts needs to be sure who she is talking to.

"the Kiszkas", Kelly replies, "Josh and Jake's parents".

Miss Roberts stops writing. Then she takes off her glasses, breathing deeply. "you are wasting your time here with me".

Both Karen and Kelly look at her surprised. "excuse me?", Karen asks raising a brow.

"you are wasting your time. your kids don't study, don't pay attention in classes, they're quite arrogant. They don't participate, don't understand". She stops for a moment, looking deeply at the parents in front of her. They look back at her. They knew that she could be harsh, but this goes beyond everything they could imagine.

Then the teacher speaks again. "Josh got a C in the last test we had. To be honest, I don't really know how he could have cheated on that, but I'm sure he couldn't be able to do that test. And Jake.. well he doesn't even try to cheat".

Karen feels angriness all over her body. She fists her hands and grins her teeth. Kelly notices and takes his hand on her shoulder, to comfort her. The teacher kind of has a point with Jake, he didn't study for the test. But Josh, her dear and passionate Joshua.. She doesn't know how hard he worked for that test. How hard he studied and how many sleepless nights he spent to prepare for that damn test. Karen knows, and Kelly does too. "I want to show her I'm not stupid. Because that's what she thinks. And I don't like people thinking that of me", Josh said one day. He was so happy when he got a C, they even through a little party at their house.

"this music thing is getting old, you know", the teacher goes on. Josh and Jake are in a band with their younger brother Sam and a friend, Danny. They've been playing music their whole lives, and in the past few years they have started playing in bars and little festivals in the near cities. The parents are supportive of their passion and encourage them to persue it. you need to stand by your children no matter what. They need to have your support as a parent. Josh and Jake are seriously thinking about a career in music, and Beatrice Roberts is obviously against it.

"they won't go anywhere, believe me. and when they will be forty years old living in your basement without a job and something to live for, they'll think back at me. and how they should have studied more in high school. Going on like this, they'll remain ignorant and uncultured for their whole lives".

That is enough for Kelly, who stands up, pushing back the chair loudly. "I think we are done here", he says looking firmly in the teacher's eyes. Karen stands up too. "thank you for your time", he finishes, walking away, followed by his wife.

They step in the hallway, and Karen leans on the wall, shaking her head. "I hate her. She knows nothing about our kids. I can't stand her, I'm sorry".

"don't even be sorry, Karen", her husband says leaning on the wall beside her. "we need to talk to them and make something about it. especially Jake. Six months and everything will be over. We'll find a way, I promise".

They talk to a few teachers after Miss Roberts. The last one is the English teacher. Thankfully, both twins are good in English. The teacher is a kind old woman. She is nice and respects the twins' love for music. "they are so smart and clever", she says, "I can tell hearing them talk. Even if they don't study that much, they still can prove they know things. English is not a problem at all. They don't have all As, but I think it's fine".

The parents are relieved to hear that. after talking to that math teacher, it seemed to them nobody cared about their boys. They talk for a while about other things. It's the last parents teachers meeting for both the Kiszka parents and the English teacher, and they have some spare time to chat.

"I don't wanna be intrusive or anything", the teacher says at some point, "but I heard the twins are having problems in math".

Karen laughs nervously. "big problems, mostly with Jake".

"can I suggest to get some help? If Josh is determinate to study, he won't need it, but maybe Jake just needs someone to guide him".

Kelly and Karen have thought about if before, but the twins always refused to get help, or do some tutoring. Yes, they could try again, but Jake is too stubborn, they know it.

"do you have someone in mind?", Kelly asks. Well, trying another time it's not gonna ruin anything.

"my niece, my younger sister's daughter. She is a few years older than Jake, and she is studying engineering in college now. She already does some tutoring and she is good, maybe Jake can try with her. I'll leave you her number..".

On the way home, Karen and Kelly talk about the offer. Maybe get some tutoring from someone near his age would help Jake more than getting it from a teacher. They could try and talk him in. and they decide to do it, perfectly aware of how Jake is gonna react.

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