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The next day was Sunday.
I got ready by 3:30pm and waited while thinking and practicing how to talk when I'll meet him. I will be real like I am, but I just want to have something to talk about and not be all awkward with him.

By the time I got there, he was already there, waiting. He was wearing casuals.

"Hey" I said while I walked to him.

"Hello. How was your yesterday?"

"Fine. What about you?" I smiled.

"Same. We got some walking to do. You don't mind, do you?" He asked.

"No I'm totally okay with it."

"Okay. Let's get going now." He started walking and I followed.

We walk to a small restaurant and when we got in, it felt like home. The whole place had a homely atmosphere and it was really nice.

We got ourselves a table and sat infront of eachother.

"You like this place?" He questioned.

"It's really nice. Really homely." I answered.

We ordered our food, and then talked about ourselves.
The fact that he loved his family so much really got me a little emotional.

I have lived alone for some time now, and I really miss being with my parents all the time, and the talk that we were having now is really making me miss them.

Taehyung talked from about his grandma to his newborn cousin.
And I found this thing about him really cute.

After all the eating and talking we decided to go for a ride. A bus ride.

He said that he likes to travel in buses, so he chose it.

We both got into a random bus and sat down.
"So what will you be doing after this?" I asked.

"Nothing much. Just gonna get some work done. What about you?"

"I too have my office work. By the way, I never asked about your job, what do you do?"

"I am a journalist." He answered.

"Oh nice." I gestured an okay.
The talk kept continuing till the bus stops at a stand.

We both got out.
It was the part of city I never really visited, so I was looking around.

"It's your first time here?" He asked.

"Yes. I never got time to explore this part." I said.

"So you want a tour?"

"I don't mind." I shrug my shoulders and followed him.

We then continued visiting this place on weekends.
We would spend hours just talking. Sometimes it's about family or work or sometimes it's totally out of context.
The thing is that we enjoyed our conversations. Our time together.
I know that I did, and Taehyung doesn't miss any chance of showing how happy he is when he's with me.

Let it be the times when we would be sitting down on the grassy ground, chattering for hours or the times when we would behave like kids in a children's park, swinging on swings or something similar, these were the times that made me more close to him. These moments made me realise that I needed him in my life, let it be as a friend or something more.

Eventually as time went by, I got more attached to him.
I felt the need of him in my life more than ever, and I think he did the same.


For 2-3 months, things between us were as friends.
But on the rainy day in the month of April, everything between us changed when we both kissed.
It was a sweet kiss, under the canopy of a tree.
To further describe my experience, it was magical in way. One of the most beautiful moments I ever had in my life.
We were trying to not get wet in the rain, and got under the canopy, looked at eachother, and then he leaned in, after which we kissed.

I knew I had something for him in my heart, and that day it was like, it was sealed on my heart that he's the one.
Never thought like this for someone else in life, he was the first.

When later that day, we talked on about our feelings, Taehyung said that he really liked me and wanted things to get more than just friends. He also said if I was uncomfortable with that he could stay away, but my stupid fast beating heart didn't wanted that and I initially told him that I feel the same way for him, like he does for me.
Then what do you expect, we became girlfriend and boyfriend.
And in the beginning it was really shy, for me though, not for him.

He would bring flowers everytime we'd meet, and give them to me while kneeling down on his one knee, infront of everyone.
And I'm not that shy girl, but these things and moments enhanced that version of me that I never had, I had these feelings for him.

I was changing in a good way for him.
And for me, he was changing too. He got a permanent job saying that it'll help in future, only after being in relationship with me for one year, but both of us loved eachother, and there's no problem in thinking about 'us' right?

A word that make two individuals one.
That binds them together, in every sort of way.
Let it be emotional level, physical level or spiritual level.
A word that combines two different individuals, with two different mentality to be called as one.

Doesn't matter whether you like them or not, when referred as "us" you are connected with eachother other, together to care for eachother.

But what if two persons, who have matured over time, who refer themselves 'us', never really cared for eachother, no hate included but eventually stopped feeling for eachother.
Are they still emotionally 'us'?
They maybe physically together, but not spiritually connected, and still refer themselves as 'us' in the society, are they still keeping the meaning of being together that we learnt in our childhood, or they fooling themselves?

THEN | Kim Taehyung FF✓Where stories live. Discover now