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I went to the police station where they took Taehyung.

The rain was heavily pouring down, the nature showing its anger on how the people treats it.

I reached there and saw him behind the bars.
His clothes not only were drenched wet but even torn in some parts. When I got near him, I saw his face with bruises.

"Excuse me. Who are you now?" An officer asked, making him look at me. I just had a sad look and turn to the policeman.

"I'm his girlfriend. What happened officer?" He told me to sit and I did.

"He was found fighting with few punks and these men were drug dealers, but your boyfriend was fighting because he couldn't pay off the money he borrowed from them."

"Money?" I looked back at Taehyung and he was just standing idle.

"Yes. About an amount of 50000 dollars."

"What!? 50000!?" I said out loud and quickly shut myself.

"Yes. He was lucky that those men didn't say that he was buying drugs, or else he would have gone in for long." The policeman said.

I just sigh trying to calm myself down.

"What should I do now?" I asked.

He instructed me on the whole bailing process and then I followed it.
After getting it done, Taehyung was allowed to get out.
I took him home and on the way home in the car, I decided to talk to him about it.

"Why Taehyung?" I asked with a low voice, while looking infront of me.

He kept quiet, with no much movement too.

I turn to him and he was just looking outside, but his view was blurred by the water that was flowing.

"Tae?" I called again. No response.

"I know things are going hard now but we can solve them, together, just talk to me Taehyung." I plead.

"You don't know." He said with his deep voice.
I was about to speak when.

"You don't know anything. You never felt anything I have ever felt and we can't solve anything together. You don't know what I'm going through!" Raising his voice a little higher.

"Why are you talking like that Tae? I know I never felt anything that you are feeling now, but you can share with me, I can help you. I have lost someone special to me too Taehyung."

"I can do this on my own. I don't need any help. Not from you."

I taken back by the words he chose to say.

"Tae" I tried to hold his hand but he shove it away and suddenly pulled the handbrake, which made the car to stop abruptly.

"Leave me alone Y/n!" He shout and went out of the car in the rain.

"TAEHYUNG!" I called by he was already gone.

Cars behind mine started honking and then I realised I was disturbing the traffic. I quickly got the car on the side and got out of it.

I look around and saw Taehyung far walking away. I tried to get to him.

I was following him and calling his name but he didn't even mind to look back.
I was running frantically in the heavy rain, running after the love of my life, but my love was slowly getting more farther.
I was running but couldn't manage to get to him.
He took a turn, but when I got there he disappeared.

It was pitch black in the streets, with just the sound of loud raindrops falling on the pavements was heard.

I didn't just stop there and look for him a little longer.

My clothes by now were fully drenched, body slightly shivering due to the cold, but I couldn't find him.

My pace slowed down and initially I stopped. Falling on my knees, I covered my face with my hands.
Feelings and thoughts started to get me and that's when I broke down, in the middle of nowhere.

My thoughts telling me that I couldn't help Taehyung in times of need and that I am a bad girlfriend.
My feelings telling me the same, which made me cry.
But my heart, it only knew about Taehyung. I wanted to see him, be with him, right now more than ever. Shower him with all the love and care I have, but he was not with me. Or say doesn't wanted to be with me.

I gradually stop my crying, and decided to get back home, maybe he went home.

As I got inside the car, I saw my phone lighting up, which happen to be left here.

I saw the ID, it was Sejin. Declined.

I was not in the mood to talk to anyone. I needed to find Taehyung. So I went home.
Got home and had a little hope that he'd be there, but he was not.

It was 5 in the morning, and I didn't know where he went.

Maybe he was with his friend, which was something good, knowing atleast he's safe, but what if he was with some punks again.

Why did he need money that bad!? And that too from people like them! He could have asked me. But...
What is going on in his head?

I sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for him.
Tried to call him, text him but no answer. I called some of his friends but he was not with them.

I eventually stopped trying for a while, and sat staring at the phone screen. Little by little I drifted off to sleep.

THEN | Kim Taehyung FF✓Where stories live. Discover now