Chapter 1

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Love is something Anna never really thought she believed in, it was always the same thing. You catch feelings for someone, start talking, maybe even if you're lucky enough get past that stage and start dating. Commitment is scary though, the thought of being with a person the rest of your life and having to try to be the best possible version of yourself for them seems exhausting and terrifying, the thought that one day you show that person all your insecurities and flaws and they might change their mind and leave you, hurt and alone. Anna already had the responsibility of being an influencer and having thousands of people watch her and sometimes being criticized for just doing a dance or for doing anything for that matter. She wanted better, she deserved better. The thing is that everything her fans see is the only things she lets them see, they know only what SHE wants them to know,there is WAY more to her story that they don't even have the slightest idea of. Those things she keeped to herself. Social media makes it seem like creators can't have a life to their own, but what people don't realize is that you only know what people tell you. Anna doesn't like to shed light on her problems because then they become real, then they become something she can't ignore and she can't pretend they don't exist. She was about to face moving out to LA, to a house her management set up with 3 other girls. This was going to be one hell of a ride but if she was going to start somewhere this would be the time, and tomorrow was her flight.

Everything had been pretty simple for Eva growing up, except not really, she was the type of girl who liked to talk about other people's problems, but hated facing her own. She grew up with people only noticing her outer person but not caring enough about what was inside, Her dreams, her hopes, her favorite superhero, or what terrifies her. In her case it was the future, not knowing what was going to happen and if it was already planned for her. She had been fighting with mental illnesses that trapped her in her own mind, it kept her wondering and thinking for hours. Overthinking is a humans worst enemy. When people overthink they tend to think about the worst case possible so that if it does happen we're ready and if it doesn't then we feel a wave a relief course through our body, so it's pretty much fifty fifty. The day before her flight ,she got caught in her mind again thinking about the worst possible thing that could happen not on the plane, but when she got there,  just in case so she could shield her heart from anything that could happen. But then she fell asleep and left in all to faith.

When all the girls got to the house, they introduced themselves. Rachel, Katie, Eva, and Anna. Somehow they were all instantly comfortable with each other. They had know about each other but hadn't officially met in person. When they got settled in, their manager told them that some other influencers were on their way, so they all got ready and when their guests arrived they all hung out for a bit.It was fun they made videos and talked, but Anna wasn't really all that social and eventually, she got tired of socializing so, she said goodnight to everyone and went to her room. She felt relieved that she didn't have to pretend to be okay. Even though she was happy that she got a break from being in Michigan, she just needed some time for herself and her thoughts.

Eva on the other hand was a social butterfly and loved talking to people and learning about them. It kept her from remembering all the things she was trying to ignore. But eventually everyone left, and she was left alone with her thoughts. She went in her room and laid down. When the silence started so did her thoughts. They raced through her head and when It got too overwhelming, she got on her phone and she scrolled through her feed. She used social media as a distraction,it was a way for her to escape the real world, to for just one second get out of her head. She ended up falling asleep while on her phone.

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