Chapter 8

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Obstinate people can only be divided into the opinionative, the ignorant, and the boorish. ~ Aristotle

It is said that "the closed minded do not hold their opinions, rather their opinions hold them." They are so afraid of being wrong, they convince themselves they are always in the right. They hold this image of themselves so high above the rest that they can't even consider others thoughts and feelings. Having said that, there are also the considerate. People that care SO much about others, that they can sometimes get hurt in the process. They would rather help others with their problems, than face their own. But what is crazy is that Obstinate people can unpurposely raise considerate children.

(Ana's POV)

I had finally managed to go to sleep and the next day when i woke up, everything that had happened last night all felt like a dream. I kept playing the scene on repeat in my head. My body pumping gallons of serotonin that came with the recollection of the prior night. When I rose from my bed I suddenly had the urge to dress up, most of the time I didn't have the energy to, but today, I had so much energy I felt like I could bench press a school bus. I got dressed and walked out of my room and was greeted by a very eager Eva."Hi" Eva exclaimed , "Woah, um, Hey." I replied. " Sooo. How was the rest of your night?" She asked. " Great, yeah. Oh and uh, h-how was yours?" I asked." Yeah mine was pretty great too." she answered. "Great." We just stood there looking at each other like a couple of fools, smiling from ear to ear.

" Anna, can you take me to starbucks?" Katie said breaking the silence. Eva and I both turned our heads to face Katie. " Uh, y-yeah sure." I responded. She must have taken note of our very cheerful faces and said, "What's up with you guys?" Eva and I both shared a look and responded simultaneously, " Nothing!" Katie looked confused but shook it off, then we made our way to starbucks. I was driving, Katie was in the passenger seat, and Eva was in the back. I secretly liked Eva being in the back because that way I could steal looks at her from the rear view mirror. We got to the drive-through and Katie started to order. I looked at my mirror once again, but this time I caught Eva looking at me too. A wide spread grin consumed my face and my cheeks felt hot. "Anna, seriously what has gotten into you?" apparently Eva was't the only one watching me. "What?" I asked, not really paying attention. " I mean it's not a bad thing but, you just look like you won the lottery. What's gotten you so chippy all of a sudden?" I love Katie but I wasn't ready to tell her yet. " Nothing, I swear. I just slept good last night."

" Okayyy. Fine don't tell me." I wanted to tell Katie but, I had to ask Eva if she was okay with it first. The whole ride back, when ever I could I would look back at Eva. She's just so beautiful, I could stare at her for an eternity. We got to the house and we decided to have a movie night in Katie's room later. So for the meantime I decided to get some school work done.

When I was done I showered and put on my, stop looking at my d***, sweats and a hoodie. I went over to Katie's room where they were both at. I greeted them with a, "HEYY, " and sat down next to Katie. We started watching The Half of it, on Netflix. I really liked this move, it's different. It doesn't end like all the other sappy romantic movies. It leaves us with a sense of wondering, it lets us choose the next part of the story, we get to fill in the gaps of what we think is going to happen next. I looked over at Eva only to realize Katie had fallen asleep and it was just the two of us. I smiled at her and she returned it . We stayed silent for the rest of the movie and when it finished we turned off Katie's TV and I walked her back to her room.

"How'd you like the movie?" I didn't really know what to say. " Yeah it was good, but I didn't really like the end. Ellie and Aster should have gotten together." She stated. " Yeah but, I think it's better for a story to be left unfinished. When they get finished you're only left with knowing that's the end, and when it is unfinished, you know there's more the story." " Yeah I guess." I stayed staring at her, making a mental map of her face, every curve, every line. I looked at her once more then said, "Goodnight Eva." "Night." I was starting to walk back to my room when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and spinning me around. Then I felt Eva press her lips against mine in a chased kiss. I smiled into it, and when we finally pulled back, a huge smile spread across her face. Her smile was infectious and caused me to do the same. She went into her room and closed the door. I just leaned my back on the wall and placed my fingertips where her lips had recently taken place. Eva Cudmore, you are something else.

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