Chapter 10

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Knowing yourself is the beginning to all wisdom~ Aristotle

(Anna's POV)

I really hate labels, and I especially hate it when other people try to put a label on me. Why can't I just like who I like without having to put a label on it. I don't see the reason why I have to explain myself to other people. It's MY life, and I don't want people telling me who I am because of who I like. This is why Eva and I have been keeping things very quiet. Whenever someone comments about me and Eva dating, we just play it off as a joke. I don't feel comfortable putting our relationship out there for everyone to see. I talked to Eva about it and she said she felt the same. I might be overthinking but , but I think she wasn't being completely honest. But that's a conversation me and her have to have. But either way, I really don't want to ruin what I have with this girl.

(Eva's POV)

I love sneaking around with Anna, and I want her to feel comfortable in this relationship but, It gets really annoying when guys flirt with her and she can't tell them that she's with me. I know I shouldn't get jealous but, I can't help it. And I thought that if i did the same, she would tell me that it made her upset and we could both stop doing it. But it just felt wrong, so I thought I could just talk about her on my spam and pretend it's a boy. I would change the she to a he and the her to a him, and to just throw off my followers I would say that they don't even know this "boy". That way I could still talk about Anna but without anyone figuring it out. I lo- i mean like Anna and I don't want to push her to do something that makes her uncomfortable.


Hey Just a short two part today but i'll try to get more out tomorrow. Thank you so much for your support. <3

Lowkey wrote this a couple months ago gonna be fixing up a couple of things here and there. Lmk if yall like it might update but idk when. 😐

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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