Chapter 9

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Shakespeare once said, it is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves. Eva had been terrified about what her destiny had in store for her, but she had not realized that your life is an ongoing story, YOU have to decide what comes next. You should always do what you're scared of doing, you never know if your next choice could make you the happiest you've ever been. And even if it ends in disaster, you will not be left wondering what if.

(Eva's POV)

A couple months ago, I could never imagine having feelings for someone. I was broken, I thought that I didn't deserve love, that I was destined for heartbreak after heartbreak. But now, I knew that what I felt back then was what I wanted to tell myself. I wanted to tell myself that so that when the next person came into my life, I had a reason to push them away. The way I was thinking, gave me a way to protect my heart. Now that I had Anna, everything I was so afraid to admit had come out of the shadows. I could now see it clearly, and with an open mind I accepted it. My life felt so much more full, I spent nearly everyday with Anna watching movies, and almost every night, one of us would sneak out of our room and go with the other. What I loved about what we had was that we didn't have to be physical to show how much we cared for each other. Rather than that we showed our affection with soul full looks, by interlacing hands that made my skin feel like it was on fire, and with loving embraces.

We were laying on my bed talking about our favorite music. Of course mine was lil peeps music. I just liked that he had something to say and I loved the way he had to say it. We never had any awkward silence but when silence did fill the room it was comforting silence. We didn't have to say anything, we just loved the feeling of each other's presence.

This is how it went on for weeks, I couldn't be more happy. Every second I spent with her only made my feelings for her grow stronger. We still had our bad days when our demons would take over and consume us in sadness and paranoia, but we had each other and that's all I needed.

Evanna: right person wrong timeWhere stories live. Discover now