Chapter 3

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(Anna's pov)

This morning felt different, but not in a bad way. I felt, okay. I was happy I cleared things up with Eva. I didn't want her thinking I didn't like her. In fact, I don't because she makes me nervous, I mean look at her, she's gorgeous. She talks and walks so confidently. And those eyes and lips man just makes you wanna-. OMG what am I doin? Do I like Eva? No. She's just pretty and nice and her laugh- Wait, Oh no im doing it again. Anna STOP. Oh no you can't catch feelings this fast what is wrong with me.

(Nerators pov)

The thing is, Anna had mentioned this before, she doesn't believe in love. Commitment terrifies her, she doesn't want to have feelings for Eva because in Anna's world, someone's bound to get hurt. But this time, she doesn't think it's going to be her. And the last thing she wants is to hurt Eva. So she did what she thought she had to do. She buried her feelings, she pushed them down as far as she could. But either way, she couldn't be around Eva. It was too much for her, so she had to hurt Eva, to not hurt Eva.

(Eva's pov)

This morning was AMAZING, I had fixed things with Anna, and for the first time, im not thinking. Well, At least not thinking about the bad things. All i was thinking about is how Anna kept reassuring me, how she kept pushing the blame on herself because she didn't want to make me feel bad. How she didn't make me feel crazy. She's a really good friend. She's so nice, considerate, and she's just amazing. Not to mention she is BEAUTIFUL, like her EYES, so blue like the sea, that it makes you WANT to drown, and her smile that is SO contagious- WAIT, holy shit. WHAT?! I Mean It's not a surprise that I would start to like Anna, I mean look at her, But ,what if she doesn't feel the same way? What if I tell her and she finds the idea utterly repulsive? No, you thought all of this yesterday so, what if you tell her and everything works out fine? Yeah, imma tell her. But how?

When I got out of bed, I put on some sweats and walked into the kitchen hoping to Anna so I could talk to her. But it was just Katie and Rach. "Morning guys!" i said. "Morning" they both replied. " Um, have you seen Anna?" i asked. "She went for a walk, yeah I know weird right, who walks?" said Katie. I laughed and grabbed a granola bar from the pantry. Then I heard the door open, it was Anna. I was hoping she would come say hi in the kitchen but she went straight to her room. I didn't want to intrude but I could tell something was wrong, so I headed to her room. When I tried to open the door it was locked. "WHO IS IT?" Anna yelled from the room."It's Eva" I said. She didn't say anything. "Um, I was wondering if we could talk? Again" i said. " I'm actually really tired, maybe later?" "um.. Yeah shure, okay." Well that was weird.

(Narrator's pov)

At this point Eva knew something was wrong with Anna. And Anna couldn't help but feel bad for Eva. She just wanted to talk. But Anna couldn't control herself around Eva. All she wanted to do was kiss her and hug her and hold her and call Eva her's. Anna had convinced herself that if she were to do those things, it would only end up one way, heartbreak. So she ignored her feelings to protect Eva, because Eva ment too much to her.

Eva went back to her room thinking about Anna. Everything was fine last night so, what changed? Did she do something wrong? Eva couldn't help but think it was her fault. She felt a pain in her heart, like she had been robbed of a possible chance of a new beginning with Anna.

They both stayed in their rooms for the rest of the night, thinking. Thinking about everything possible that could happen. To be ready, to shield their hearts for the unpredictable future ahead of them.

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