Chapter 4

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Anna had been ignoring Eva for a week straight, of course it was hard, but she used any excuse to avoid her. I'm busy. I'm tired. Sorry but I have to go meet someone. She made it seem like she didn't care about Eva, but hurting eva was the last thing she would want to do. But hurting her for a little in Anna's mind made sense.

Eva was began to get really frustrated. With Anna avoiding her gaze. I mean they still made videos together, but it was for management, and even then Anna stayed by Katie and left straight away when they finished. Every time any of the girls would ask her what's wrong she would just say she's fine. But Eva NEEDED to get it off her chest, it was eating her up inside. But Anna made it impossible.

The girls went to the mall to buy some new matching clothes for the ttlamgmt page, and of course Anna was distant. Everytime Eva asked her something she would give dry responses and start to talk to katie. It got to the point where the other girls noticed but they just thought they had gotten into an argument. When Anna excused herself to go to the bathroom Eva took her chance to get talk to Anna. So she followed after her. Luckily there was no one in the bathroom, Eva waited until Anna was done and cornered her in the bathroom.

(Eva's pov)

I walked in after Anna and started to plan what I was going to say to her. When she walked out her eyes were peeled and she stayed staring at me for a few seconds before going to wash her hands. She tried to walk out quickly but i stopped her. " Anna can we talk now?"i said a little annoyed. " I have to get back to the girls they're waiting." she said as she tried to leave. " No you've been avoiding me for a week, i've been waiting to talk to you. But it seems like you find any excuse to not talk to me" At this point I was over it. " That's not true", said Anna. " Anna, you cant even LOOK at me, what's wrong, I thought we were good?" "We are. Can I go now?"she said. "Anna we are not good." now we started to raise our voice so I closed the door. " What about me makes you hate me so much? Do you not want to be my friend is that it? If you don't like me just say so becaus- " "I DON'T HATE YOU! Okay?" she paused for a second. " I just can't be around you.Eva. This is all just too much, I'm not used to this okay?." she looked down at the floor. I didn't know what to say so I just let her talk. " this whole, new friends and new house, and new fucking life is just a lot. I dont know i guess it just looked so easy for you, i know i shouldn't assume but-" she paused, and I knew she wanted me to say something, so I did. "Anna, I didn't know you felt like this. Why didn't you just tell me?" I could see the shame on her face. "You not talking to me hurt really fucking bad, I didn't know what to think k I just thought you didn't like me." I half assed the truth. "I'm sorry." is what came out of her mouth next. She was still facing the floor. "I'm sorry you feel like this, Anna. But avoiding me and bullshiting your way out of talking about is is not a good way to deal with your emotions. Just talk to me please." She looked up from the floor and looked me in the eyes for the first time in weeks. "Yeah, Okay." she said with a light smile. The amount of comfort I felt while we hugged was almost suffocating.

The rest of the day went on with ease, Anna and I were on speaking terms again although at times It was still a little weird , but i'll take weird over silence any day.

Evanna: right person wrong timeWhere stories live. Discover now