Chapter 6

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Today was the day, the day when Eva finally told Anna how she felt. She had been sceptical about her feelings, but that all changed a couple of days ago.

(Flashback)(Eva's pov)

Today has been pretty exhausting all this drama with Rach has really taken its toll on me. I love Rachel but she is putting everything out there. Like she had a right to leave if she wanted to ,but , brining everyone else down was just irritating. I had alone time with Anna, and everything was fine. But whatever, she can do what she wants. I got really upset after filming the explanation video, so I went to my room and started to cry out of frustration. I guess Anna saw me come to my room because she came in not long after. When she saw me crying, she didn't even ask me anything, she just held me. It's like she knew exactly what I needed because I felt better. We ended up laying down on my bed not talking or anything, she just hugged me. I looked up at her and she smiled at me. For a second she made me forget why I was so upset. I knew then that I really did like Anna. But how was I going to tell her that?

(back to normal time)

Eva had been thinking about how to tell Anna, and when. Unlike all the other times she felt good about talking to Anna. And her chance was about to present itself because she saw Anna head to her room alone. So she tried to calm her pounding heart. So she took a deep breath until she felt her lungs fill, and with her breath, she released all the negative thoughts in her head. She got her legs to finally move and started walking towards Anna's room. She could feel her hands start to sweat, the back of her neck got hot, her ears got red as she put her hand on the doorknob. And when she opened the door she saw Anna laying on her bed on her phone.The mere sight of Anna was enough to calm her entire body. She opened her mouth and...

(Eva's pov)

"Hey" i said with a shaky breath. "hey, what's up Ev?" she looked happy to see me. That was a good sign. "I need to talk to you," I was getting really nervous again, but she sat up with a concerned look on her face. "Yeah sure, what's wrong?" She is so amazing, she always wants to make sure i'm okay. " Yeah everything's fine, I just wanted to say that, I really appreciate how you were there for me, when I was upset over the whole Rachel situation. You're really amazing, Anna." We made eye contact and i couldn't help but feel butterflies. "Eva, your really amazing. You're really funny, you care about your friends more than anyone i've ever known. You're beautiful not only from the outside but, from the inside. And I love that we can literally be doing nothing but talking and I lose track of time listening you talk about how " Dons is really underrated" You don't deserve other people making you feel bad when you are the sweetest person ever. There is not a bad bone in your body Eva Cudmore." We stayed staring at each other for a while. Then walked over to her bed and sat down, we were facing each other. Then I broke the silence by saying what I really wanted to say. "I really like you Anna.."

(Ana's pov)

"I really like you Anna..." Usually those words would have scared me, but they didn't, they felt right coming from Eva. I looked at her and could tell she was waiting for me to say something, but words cannot express how strongly I feel for this girl. She makes me want to become a better me. I want to give her the world, because she deserves it. So I did the only thing that felt right. I looked deep into her eyes and I kissed her. I was feeling light headed, my heart and brain were finally on the same page about something. Yeah, this is going to be great.

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