Chapter 2

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When Anna woke up she decided to lay in her bed for a while then got ready for the day. At this point she didn't care about what she wore, so she just threw on some sweats and a hoodie. She went to the kitchen and got some food. Then she noticed Eva was awake.



"You hungry?" -Anna

"No but thank you"-Eva

"Yeah no problem,"-Anna

Anna didn't know why her heart was beating like crazy, it's not like she's never talked to Eva. She felt comfortable with her, but she couldn't help feeling intimidated by Eva. She saw how confident she was around people, how she could talk to people with such ease and carry a conversation like it was the easiest thing in the world. Anna tried her best but it was hard.

"So how was your first day sleeping here?"-Eva

Anna didn't want to but she gave a dry response.


Anna's answer got into Eva's mind and she started to overthink. Silence filled the room.

''Does she not want to talk to me? Am I being annoying?''-Eva

It had been awkwardly silent for a little and Anna took notice of Eva's silence

"You? Um, I mean how did you sleep?"-Anna

A sense of relief flooded Eva's body.

"Great, thanks."-Eva

Katie and Rachel walked in.

"Ugh, i'm so Tired. How are you guys up so early?"-Katie

"Katie its 10:00"-Rachel said laughing

"But anyways, management wants us to get ready for a photoshoot today"-Rachel

"Ugh, okay."-Katie

Anna was not having it that day. She was just SO tired so she just threw on some blue jeans. Being an influencer is so hard, you have to deal with people judging you for everything. And even though you try to focus on the positive comments you can't help but be brought down by the negative ones. Everyone always has an opinion of you, an image of what you are like painted in their head and most of the time it's not accurate. But hey, you can't please everyone right? Right...

Eva liked getting ready, it made her feel confident and in control of herself. She felt like even though she couldn't control her thoughts, she was in control of this one thing. But she couldn't help but think about her conversation with Anna. Did Anna not like her? Or was she just tired? Was it always gonna be like this around her? A thousand different thought rushed into her head. Then Rachel walked in asking for blush, making her thoughts come to a halt. She looked in the mirror and told herself she was thinking to much into it and tried her best to shake it off.

When the photoshoot was done they all went back to the house and made videos together. Eva was mostly with Rachel, and Anna with Katie. They made videos as a group for the management page and then went to their rooms. Anna and katie were hanging out in her room just scrolling through their feeds. Then Anna got up to use the bathroom. When she walked out she saw Eva on the couch of the living room on her phone. They smiled at each other and Anna went to the bathroom.

Eva stayed on her phone when her thoughts came rushing in again. Should I confront her? No that's way too bitchy . Anna walked out of the bathroom and Eva took her chance.



"Uhm, can we talk?"-Eva

Anna and Eva's hearts were pounding.


Anna walked over to Eva not knowing what to expect. Eva's heart was racing and she didn't know whether to back out or not. Anna sat down next to Eva on the couch avoiding eye contact. Eva sat facing Anna.

"Okay, so uhm, this morning.. you seemed kinda, I don't know, mad? If I did something im sorr-" -Eva

"Nonono, I was just, tired. No I wasn't mad at you and im Really sorry if i made it seem that way."-Anna

Eva felt relieved but also a little embarrassed. How could I be so stupid, why did I ask her?

"No It's okay I just, when- No it's fine i'm sorry I ju- It's just." -Eva

"Eva, don't apologize it's my fault, i'm not good with words."-Anna

"It's okay, thanks for clearing that up."-Eva

"No problem, but um, I think imma go to sleep."-Anna

"Yeah me too it's getting late."-Eva

"Night Eva"-Anna said with a smile

"Night."-Eva said smiling back

Eva was in her bed thinking about what had just happened. It made her happy, she went to sleep with ease for the first time in a long time. She felt good. She felt okay. Anna made her feel okay.

Anna was in bed thinking about her conversation with Eva. She felt good. She felt okay. Eva made her feel okay.

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