Chapter 7

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(Anna's pov)

It's funny how a few months ago I didn't even know this girl, my life went on without her. I had a whole other life without her in it, and I was fine. Now that I know her, I don't want to imagine my life without her in it. When I think far into the unknown future, all I know is that I want her to be there. She literally changed my life with five words.

After what happened last night, we said good night and Eva went back to her room. When she left, a face eating grin spread across my face. I couldn't help but smile for the entire night. My heart prancing with joy. My stomach doing backflips every time Eva appeared in my mind. I couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably, I guess my mind was still processing every bit of the scene that had just been etched into my memory. Eva Cudmore, Eva Cudmore, I- I don't know what to do with myself except jump up and down fangirling. Damn. What the hell. This girl has me acting like a total idiot, I like it tho.

(Eva's pov)

I told you! Damn, I really just did that. When I left her room, I felt like jumping off a building. But in the good way though. That feeling when you are full of excitement, that you just want to just explode. My heart racing, my stomach filled to the brim with butterflies. I haven't felt so optimistic about the future in a LONG time, I loved that she was the reason. Wow, Anna Shumate.


Hey IDK if i should keep writing this, just tell me if you want me to keep going and ill try to post often!

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