Chapter 2- Second Wave

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Anakin watched his padawan walk off to get some rest. He was worried that their mission load was wearing her down too much. On top of her fatigue, he sensed there was something else going on.

"Sir, we intercepted a transmission from the droid army requesting additional ground support and reinforcements," a clone trooper reported to Rex.

"Very well," Rex responded, "We can handle a few more tinnies."

"Rex, secure a perimeter around the city center. I don't want any surprises," Anakin ordered.

Rex nodded, leaving to inform his men.

Anakin's hologram started to go off. Seeing it was the Queen of Alderaan, he quickly answered it.

"Your majesty," he acknowledged, giving a slight bow.

"Skywalker, is it? I have been informed you are one of strongest knights in the Jedi Order."

Anakin chuckled, "Just trying to put our best foot forward."

"How is the battle going?" the Queen asked.

"Good. So far, we are holding our position, although we expect another round of droids to be on their way."

"I have evacuated the outer parts of the city. I am hoping the droids do not reach any further into the city for my people's sake."

"Don't worry, your majesty. We can handle this," Anakin reassured her.

"Very well, Skywalker. I will leave you to the defense of our city."

He nodded, shutting off his hologram.

A few troopers came up to watch for enemy droids. Anakin decided he might as well take this chance to get some rest as well.

It seemed that he had just drifted asleep when he was suddenly jolted awake.

"Sir, enemy troops are on the move to our position," a trooper informed him.

"Be right there," Anakin replied groggily.

Leaving his cot, he went to go wake his padawan. As he approached her cot, he was hesitant to stir her peaceful form.

"Ahsoka," he muttered gently, "We've got to go."

Ahsoka stirred, groaning as she sat up and stretched.

"Feeling better?"

"Much," she yawned, grabbing her lightsabers and clipping them to her belt.

He noted that she looked better, not seeming so worn down as before. Anakin was glad his padawan was rested, as the second round of the battle was quickly approaching.

"Sir," Rex saluted, "I think we've got a plan."

"I'm all ears," Anakin responded as he and Ahsoka made their way to the holomap.

"If we draw them into this street here, our long-range cannons can take out their battle tanks. Then we have two teams, one that faces them head on, and another that snakes through this street and surprises them from behind."

"I'll handle the troops at the front. Ahsoka, you will lead them second team and infiltrate them from the back."

"Yes, master," Ahsoka said.

She broke off from the group to gather her troops and hide in the adjacent block.

"She seems to be more up for the fight," Rex told Anakin.

"She's tough, I have faith in her."

As the droid army approached, the troopers began to fire their long-range cannons, knocking out most of the tanks. It was still going to be a tough fight. With their reinforcement, the Separatists had easily triple their previous numbers.

"I'm in position," Ahsoka informed Anakin over the commlink.

"Wait for my signal," Anakin ordered.

"What signal?"

"Trust me, you won't miss it."

When the droids were within range, Anakin force leapt onto the nearest tank. He lifted up the door and tossed a detonator inside. Before the droids inside could realize what had happened, the tank blew, igniting a large explosion. Anakin leapt off the tank and landed in the middle of a pack of super battle droids. He ignited his lightsaber and began slashing through them one by one.

Far down the street, at the back of the enemy lines, he heard another explosion. He was glad to see Ahsoka got his signal. Anakin continued to cut down battle droids before jumping onto a nearby spider droid that was quickly advancing through to their lines. He cut off the nose of its blaster, then stabbed into the center of its body, causing the droid to short circuit and shut down.

The fighting seemed to drag on for a while, before Anakin got a call on his commlink.

"Master, I think we have a problem."

"What is it?"

"We've got another wave of droids incoming."

Anakin glanced back to where Ahsoka was fighting. Sure enough, along the horizon, more droids were coming.

"Rex, can you handle the front?" he called back, "I've got to help Ahsoka with the second wave."

"Yes, sir!" Rex responded.

"I'm on my way," Anakin told Ahsoka.

He motioned for some clones to follow him as he cut through the lines, making a break for the back.

As he got close, he saw Ahsoka fighting off several super battle droids at once. With a quick spin move, she cut through the mid-section of four droids that had closed in on her. Anakin was impressed with her technique and how far she'd come in her training since she first became his padawan.

"Nice work, Ahsoka," he exclaimed, "But you missed one."

He force pushed a droid away that was coming up behind her.

"Thanks for the help," she responded sarcastically.

Just then, Anakin felt a disturbance in the force. Something dark was headed their way. Anakin looked down at his padawan as she looked up at him with furrowed brows. He sensed she felt it too.

"Master, I don't like what's headed our way."

"Neither do, I," he said with a hint of worry.

Anakin shook off the creeping feeling that echoed in his mind and turned his attention back to the bridge where the enemy was marching forward.

Looking at the oncoming wave, he and Ahsoka got into position, ready to strike the next group of droids. Leading the droids was a figure wearing a black hood. Anakin didn't recognize him but watched as he ignited a red lightsaber.

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