Chapter 11- Change of Plans

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"Remind me why we're sitting out here in the middle of nowhere?"

Upon leaving Umbara, Anakin and Ahsoka had flown into deep space with no planets or star systems in the vicinity.

"Malicus said he had to return to see Dooku. We can't follow him into the middle of Separatist-controlled space without any reinforcements," Anakin answered, "So, we're waiting to see where he goes from there."

"Yeah, if we don't get attacked first. We're sitting ducks out here," Ahsoka commented.

She kept watch on her monitor, which showed the transmission signal emitted by the homing beacon on Malicus' ship. It wasn't easy to stay focused, though, with the unease that was building inside her. There were so many things that could go wrong with this plan.

Ahsoka looked over at her master. He didn't seem to be worried or anxious. She let out a deep breath, trying to follow his lead.

"Why don't you get some rest, I'll keep an eye on the ship," Anakin told her.

She hoped he hadn't sensed her serious doubts about his plan.

"Are you sure?" Ahsoka asked.

"Yeah, you'll need your strength if we're going to fight Malicus again."

Ahsoka nodded, heading to the sleeping quarters in the back.

Ahsoka abruptly awoke to a piercing alarm.

"Ahsoka, get in here!" Anakin called.

"Coming!" she yelled, running to the cockpit.

"What's going on?"

"An unidentified craft just came out of hyperspace. They've jammed our communications."

"Never would have guessed this would happen," Ahsoka responded sarcastically, sitting down in the co-pilot chair.

Anakin shot her a dirty look.

"What's the plan?" Ahsoka questioned.

"I'm charting a course to Nixus, it's the nearest planet to our location."

"Nixus?!" Ahsoka cried, "That place is a hub for black market activity!"

"Do you have a better idea?"

Ahsoka frowned as she primed the engines. They were jumping right from one problem to another. Without warning, the entire ship jerked roughly, throwing Anakin and Ahsoka forward in their seats.

"What was that?!" she exclaimed.

"Whoever's out there just docked on our ship," Anakin replied, hastily locking the port doors.

Ahsoka's heart raced.

"We're in trouble now!"

She ran to the back to check the door. She heard a loud noise coming from the other side.

"They're cutting through."

"Great," Anakin mumbled as he joined Ahsoka at the back of the ship.

Both Jedi ignited their lightsabers. Whoever was on the other side of the door was almost through.

With each passing second, Ahsoka gripped her lightsaber tighter. Suddenly, the door burst open, filling the room with smoke. Taking a small step forward, Ahsoka lifted her saber forward, trying to see through the door. She was met with a burst of gunfire. Her and Anakin deflected the shots. A group of armed men infiltrated the ship.

"Pirates..." the Jedi both muttered.

The gunfire ceased as their leader entered their ship. His men slowly surrounded Anakin and Ahsoka, keeping their guns raised.

"Hello, Jedi," the Pirate leader stated, standing before them.

"What do you want?" Anakin growled.

"Just seeing what you can offer me."

"Nothing of interest to you."

"I'm not sure about that... This is a fine ship you have here."

"Not an option. We can give you Republic credits, that's it."

The pirate leader chuckled, "Your credits are of no use to us out here."

Anakin raised his lightsaber. Ahsoka followed his lead. Without their ship, they had no way to track Darth Malicus. They had to fight off the pirates.

"You're not taking our ship from us," Anakin answered coldly.

The pirate leader nodded at one of his men. Before Anakin and Ahsoka could react, they were shot with tranquilizer darts.


Cold was the first thought Ahsoka had as she came to. A gust of wind hit her, helping her return to consciousness.

"Ahsoka can you hear me?" Anakin asked her, a hand on her shoulder.

Ahsoka blinked a few times as she adjusted to her surroundings. She shivered as the cold wind hit her again.

"Where are we?" she mumbled.

"I think we're on Nixus," Anakin replied. "Are you hurt?"

"Don't think so..." Ahsoka affirmed, sitting up slowly and rubbing her head.

"What happened?" she questioned, "The last thing I remember was the pirates infiltrating our ship."

"Yeah, those filthy pirates took it. We must have crash landed in the escape pod."

"Great. So we're stranded, defenseless, and we lost our only lead on Malicus."

"Not exactly..." Anakin remarked, handing Ahsoka her lightsabers, "I managed to grab them before we passed out."

Ahsoka grinned at him as she reattached her sabers to her belt.

"I also took the fob before the pirates boarded our ship, just in case."

"We'll have to find a new ship," Ahsoka asserted.

Anakin nodded. When Ahsoka shivered again, he handed her a blanket from the emergency supplies. She quickly wrapped it around her body, grateful for the added layer.

"We'll camp out here tonight, then head for the nearest trading port at first light," Anakin told her.

They would have to come up with a plan in order to avoid getting recognized. Coming to Nixus as a Jedi was especially dangerous.

Ahsoka and Anakin patched up all the holes and openings in the escape pod to help conserve heat. The crash had damaged the pod significantly, but it would do for a night.

Once they finished the necessary repairs, they split a pack of rations and got some rest.

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