Chapter 4- Darth Malicus

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Anakin glanced over at Ahsoka as she sat on her cot, meditating on her visions. His attention returned to the hologram of Obi-Wan as he spoke.

"Hmm. Ahsoka's visions are concerning. However, I don't think the Council will be able to aid you with reinforcement."

"Why not?"

"All available Jedi are spread pretty thin across the galaxy. We are in the middle of a war that seems to have no end in sight."

Anakin sighed. Normally, he wouldn't concerned to run into a Sith. He and Ahsoka dealt with them on a regular basis. But this Darth Malicus seemed especially powerful, rivaling Dooku. And, if Ahsoka's visions were true, then he wouldn't stop until they were both dead.

"What if Ahsoka's visions are true, and this Sith is hunting down Jedi?"

"If this is true, then it is quite disturbing. I'll inform the Council and let you know if they can help."

"Thanks, Obi-Wan," Anakin responded, turning off the hologram.

He turned back to Ahsoka as she opened her eyes.

"My senses are clouded," she said with frustration.

"Mine are too, Snips," he stated, "I talked to Obi-wan and he's going to talk to the Council. But I think we're on our own for this one."

"Well, I guess it's nothing we haven't handled before," Ahsoka joked, try to sound more confident.

"Exactly," Anakin replied, winking.

Just then, Rex ran in.

"Enemy troops spotted advancing toward our location, sir."

Anakin sighed. "Can't even give us a good night's sleep I guess."

"Well, they are droids..." Ahsoka retorted as she slipped on her boots.

Anakin grabbed his lightsaber. He and Ahsoka joined Rex on the top floor of an abandoned skyscraper. Looking through a pair of binoculars, he saw enemy lines advancing just beyond the horizon. Their vast numbers were slightly concerning, especially considering their clones had already lost some ground.

"Rex, contact Coruscant and see if they can spare some more troops and artillery," Anakin ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Rex complied.

"Time to go rally the troops," Anakin told Ahsoka.

"They're going to need a lot more than rallying if we're going to defeat this third round of droids without losing any more ground."

"Now where's your optimism, Ahsoka?"


It took no time at all for the Separatist army to reach the clone's position. Anakin was surprised not to see Darth Malicus. Then, his surprise turned into suspicion as he realized the Sith could be anywhere.

"The Queen!" Anakin gasped.

"What?" Ahsoka asked, confused.

"Malicus isn't here, he must be going after the Queen."

"Anakin, surely it's a trap. He's trying to lure us away from the fight."

"What choice do we have? We can't let anything happen to her."

Sure enough, Anakin received a distress signal from the Queen as soon as he and Ahsoka broke off. They hopped on a couple speeder bikes and raced toward the palace.

"Well, I guess your intuition was correct," Ahsoka muttered.

"Yeah, this is the one time I really wish it wasn't."

Reaching the Queen's palace at the center of the city didn't take long. It seemed awfully quiet as Anakin and Ahsoka entered. When they rounded a corner, they saw three dead guards on the ground with lightsaber wounds.

"Malicus," Anakin growled.

They ran upstairs, using the force as a guide to locate the Queen. Anakin and Ahsoka skidded to a halt in front of the throne room.

As they entered, they saw Malicus sitting on the Queen's throne. The Queen herself was standing, head bowed, a few feet away.

"Well, I am so honored you could join us," Malicus announced.

The queen looked up, a glimmer of hope in her eyes when she saw the two Jedi.

"What do you want?" Anakin remarked.

"Nothing much, just to slowly drain the life from your broken body."

"Why do you want us dead?" Ahsoka questioned.

"It's not you personally, it's what you represent. A flawed order and their misguided teachings."

"You seek to kill all Jedi," Anakin interjected.

Ahsoka's vision was true. Darth Malicus was hunting down Jedi.

"I take great pleasure in all my kills. But killing you, the Chosen One, the answer to their prophecy will truly be magnificent. Not to mention, your little pet."

"You underestimate me, I'm no pet," Ahsoka rebutted, clearly angered.

"Harm a hair on her head, and I'll kill you," Anakin told Malicus.

"Oh, then it shall be twice the fun," Malicus jeered, "I'll murder her with you watching, and then I'll kill you."

White hot rage consumed Anakin. He used the force to grab his lightsaber, then ignited it. 

Malicus grabbed his lightsaber and force leapt out of his seat, landing right in front of Anakin and Ahsoka. His attacks were quick and calculated.

Anakin kept him engaged while Ahsoka ran over to free the Queen from her bonds.

"Get out of here, your majesty," Ahsoka said in a hushed tone.

"Will you both be alright?" the Queen asked.

"We fight Sith like Malicus in our sleep," Ahsoka assured her with a small smirk.

The Queen gave her a curt nod before hurrying out of the throne room through a hidden exit.

Ahsoka ignited her lightsabers and ran over to help her master. Once again, Malicus had proven himself powerful and skilled.

Anakin was grateful to have Ahsoka by his side for this fight. Taking on Malicus would be challenging together, let alone all by himself.

Ahsoka and Anakin managed to block each of his moves but were beginning to tire at the pace of the fight.

Malicus back flipped to avoid their attacks, and in doing so, kicked Ahsoka in the jaw, sending her reeling back. Anakin pressed on, finding a newly tapped source of energy from the pain Malicus had caused his padawan.

Ahsoka rejoined her master as the fight continued on. Malicus flipped back again, this time cutting the electrical box, which caused the lights to go out. It was still dark outside, meaning the room was pitch dark, except for the glow of their lightsabers.

"Be on guard," Anakin told Ahsoka, "Trust in the force."

Ahsoka nodded.

Malicus force leapt and used a spin move to attack the Jedi. His red lightsaber illuminated only his face, giving him an even eerier presence.

"Not even your precious Jedi training can save you," Malicus sneered.

He kicked Ahsoka back again, but this time force pushed Anakin into the wall. Anakin's head hit the wall especially hard, and he blacked out.

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