Chapter 9- New Assignment

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It didn't take long to return to the temple. The clones were dispatched for rest and training, while Anakin and Ahsoka were summoned to meet before the Council.

Ahsoka followed her master to the council chambers, despite his reluctance.

"You need to rest, Ahsoka. I'll handle the council meeting."

"I'm fine. I just got enough rest to last me the entire week."

"You were nearly killed. Besides, you've forgotten what it's like to not be sleep deprived."

"It's not like we're training or anything. We're just reporting to the Council."

Ahsoka saw her master roll his eyes.

"Fine, but straight after, you are going to your quarters to get some rest."

"Yes, Master," Ahsoka replied, a small grin appearing on her face.

Anakin and Ahsoka entered the council chambers. Ahsoka noted the undertones of worry that lay on the council members' faces.

"Master Skywalker, Padawan Tano. Successful was your battle at Alderaan?" Yoda questioned.

"Yes, Master," Anakin responded, "But we faced a new threat: Darth Malicus. He appears to be the latest apprentice of Count Dooku's."

"Yes. Filled us in on this development, Obi-Wan did."

"Is it true that this Sith is hunting down Jedi?" Shaak Ti asked.

Anakin and Ahsoka nodded.

"It is clear that this Darth Malicus poses a threat to our order," Mace Windu stated, "Skywalker, you and your padawan are to find him and bring him to justice."

"Master, with all do respect, my padawan is still weak from her injuries. She needs some time to recuperate."

Ahsoka glared at Anakin.

"I'm feeling much better since we've returned," she rebuffed.

"A day you both will have, to recover," Yoda interjected, "But then track down this Sith, we must."

Anakin and Ahsoka both bowed before leaving the chambers.

"Master, you're being overprotective again," Ahsoka pointed out as they left the chambers.

"Ahsoka, I don't want to argue about this. You almost died. I almost lost you," Anakin replied, his fear evident.

"I am grateful for your concern, but if we're going to trust each other, we both must share in the risks."

Ahsoka looked at her Master, seeing the torment and fear that shown through his face and his force signature.

"Don't worry, Anakin. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

Anakin's face relaxed slightly as he smiled down at her, but Ahsoka still sensed some worry in him. She shrugged it off, knowing they both had each other's back.

Ahsoka and Anakin entered the sleeping quarters, parting ways to go to their respective rooms. Ahsoka cleaned herself up, taking note of her still present soreness. Most of the pain was gone, but it would take a little more time for her internal injuries to completely heal. Ahsoka laid down on her mat, her eyelids quickly growing heavy. She didn't want to admit it to Anakin, but she still was feeling pretty worn out. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

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