Chapter 10- The Hunt Begins

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Anakin awoke early the next morning. He felt better than he had in a while thanks to a full night's sleep. In his experience as a Jedi, sleep was a precious thing. After a quick breakfast, he met Ahsoka in the briefing room, along with several other Jedi. They all gathered around a holomap of the galaxy and its planets, moons, and star systems. Master Ki-Adi-Mundi led the briefing, going over reports from some of the Mid-Rim and Outer-Rim sieges.

"We have just received word that Jedi Knight Bal Evas was killed in the battle on Umbara," Ki-Adi reported, "Clones reported seeing a hooded figure wielding a red lightsaber engage with Evas. He did not survive the duel."

Anakin looked up, eyes wide.

Ahsoka leaned in close to him. "Master, that sounds a lot like..."

"Darth Malicus," Anakin blurted out, interrupting Ahsoka.

Everyone in the room turned to look at him.

"Something to add, Skywalker?" Ki-Adi questioned.

"It must be him. The description matches and we learned that he is on a mission to hunt down and kill Jedi," Anakin replied.

"You may be right; I leave it to you and Ahsoka to investigate this," Ki-Adi instructed.

Anakin nodded, leaving the room with his padawan in tow.

"Malicus could be long gone from Umbara by now," Ahsoka remarked.

"It's a lead, Ahsoka. And right now, it's all we've got."

She shrugged in agreeance.

Anakin and Ahsoka rounded the corner, making their way toward the main shuttle hangar.

When they arrived, they hopped in one of the T-6 shuttles and typed in the coordinates for Umbara. Then, they quickly made their ascent, leaving the planet's atmosphere. Once in space, Anakin rotated the engine block and activated the hyperdrive, plunging them into hyperspace.

Anakin looked over at his padawan, who was typing some notes into the ship's log.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her.

"Much better. I'm ready to find Darth Malicus," Ahsoka answered with a look of determination.

A slight grin on his face, Anakin was glad to see his padawan was up to the task, although he couldn't ignore the insistent worry he felt. After almost losing Ahsoka, he was afraid to put her in harm's way again.


The Jedi's ship came out of hyperspace directly above Umbara. Ahsoka began the landing sequence while Anakin maneuvered the shuttle into its descent. They landed on a platform just outside the Republic base.

As they exited the ship, Anakin and Ahsoka saw some clones loading up the remains of Bal Evas. His body was covered with a light sheet.

Beside him, Ahsoka let out a slight gasp.

Anakin put a hand on her back in a comforting gesture. Though they were familiar with the sight of death, it was never easy losing a fellow Jedi. Evas' body would be sent back to the Jedi Temple, where he would be given a proper funeral.

Clone Commander Fox approached the Jedi.

"Sir!" He saluted.

"Commander Fox, we are here to investigate Jedi Bal Evas' death," Anakin informed him.

"Right this way, I can take you to the clones who witnessed General Evas' death."

"Ahsoka, go with Commander Fox and get the clones' reports. I'm going to take a look around."

Ahsoka narrowed her eyes at him for a second before nodding and following the Commander.

Anakin split away from them and made his way to the command center. There, he surveyed the holomap for the position of the Separatist troops. Their garrison, which was sizably large, was located about ten clicks South of the Republic base. After looking through several of the battle reports, he made his way to the main hangar.

As Anakin entered the hangar, he saw Ahsoka speaking with one of the clone troopers. He walked over to them and stood by as she finished taking down the trooper's report.

"Anything stand out?" he questioned.

"So far, all the clones' description of the attack match Darth Malicus. They say he came out of nowhere, and specifically targeted Evas."

Anakin sighed. He figured he would be happier their lead panned out, but concern enveloped him instead. This Darth Malicus was moving quicker than he had expected.

"Good work, Ahsoka," Anakin responded, "Now, we need to infiltrate the Separatist camp to see if Malicus is still here."

"Yes, Master."

The two left right away. They ran on foot through the dense brush rather than taking transport in order to remain undetected by any potential probes. Reaching the camp, they decided to split up to cover more ground.

"Let me know if you see anything," Anakin whispered, before breaking off.

He stayed behind the tree line in order to remain hidden. Coming up to their command center, he saw Malicus talking to a couple droids. He listened in to their conversation through the force.

"Now that Bal Evas is dead, my mission is complete. Continue your offensive on the Republic base. I will be returning to my Master," Malicus stated.

"Yes, sir," the droid responded robotically.

Malicus boarded a nearby shuttle to leave the planet.

Anakin moved closer to Malicus' ship and activated a homing beacon. As the ship hovered above the ground preparing to take off, Anakin used the force to throw the beacon onto its hull. Then he turned and left to meet back with Ahsoka.

Ahsoka returned a couple clicks after Anakin.

"No sign of Malicus, but I did notice a small shuttle leave the camp shortly after we arrived," Ahsoka reported.

"I saw Malicus, he was onboard that shuttle when it took off. I attached a homing beacon to it just before he left," Anakin informed her.

"We can track him," Ahsoka replied with a small grin.

Anakin and Ahsoka returned to the Republic base, meeting Commander Fox again.

"Thanks for your help, Commander. We'll be out of your hair now," Anakin asserted.

"Of course, General Skywalker, good luck on your mission."

Anakin and Ahsoka boarded their shuttle, taking off to follow Darth Malicus.

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