10 | Sashimi Set

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"Why don't you come and sashimi sometime?"

"How is your brain coming up with these?"

"I was working on my final math problem last night, and all of a sudden... bam! New pun."

"My brain is suuuper random. One moment it's creative and intelligent, the next moment it's random and confused."

"My brain is random and confused. That's it."

"I highly doubt that. I see you to be that student with all the good grades. Not all As, but a mix of As and Bs."

"Thank you for thinking that, but... you're far from right..."

"Whaat? No... don't tell me...! You're not that kind of student, are you?"

"I'm not doing too well in my math class. Recently got a C- on the latest exam. Overall grade? A D."

"Oh. So that's what you meant."

"What was that brain of yours thinking...?"

"I was referring to a pregnant high schooler with five kids and three partners. But sadly, all her partners found out she was cheating, and all three of them broke up with her."

"That's... oddly specific."

"Have you been reading Wattpad?"

"So... I'm wrong?"

"Yes, Nick. You are wrong. So wrong. Completely wrong."



"Sooo... food, yes?"

"I'll take the Sashimi Set, please."

"Same price, same guy."

"The majority of this conversation was your random and confused brain in action, wasn't it?"


"Just... have a good day."


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