17 | Flying Fish Roe Roll

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"Nick or Ben?"

"Your favorite."

"Nick! Welcome back!"

"Rosaleen! I'm happy to be back!"

"How is that stand going?"


"Good and bad. Which one do you wanna hear first?"

"Hmm... bad, and then you can end off on a good note."

"Great minds think alike."

"Okay, so! I made about five plates of sushi. Had to take a quick bathroom break... came back... and four of the plates were missing!"

"How rude! Who ate them?!"

"Threw. I would've felt better if they ate them, but nope. Just threw away my hard work."


"Yeah. Crazy, I know. My friend was trying to get the plates back from the group of freshmen, but he failed. He couldn't stop apologizing to me."


"Poor guy. I could tell he tried his best by the way he was panting and sweating."

"It's no problem. I'll just make some more; this time, at Sushiria instead. Lesson learned: don't leave your food unattended at the school's kitchen area, even if the building seems empty. No clue where those freshmen came from."

"Good news is that I managed to combine everybody's ideas for the stand into one to make it work. At least something worked out for me today."




"Hello? Have I been talking to the air this whole time?"

"Where is your school at?"


"Show me those kids."


"I feel so honored to have a valiant sushi lover come to my rescue."

"You worked so hard...! I would've been raging if I were you!"

"Wait... so you aren't upset about the wasted sushi in general?"

"Of course I am! But for you to take the time to make the sushi by yourself, only to have them get thrown away like that..."

"I'm upset by that more than anything else."


"The more I think about it, the more annoyed I'm getting."

"I'll tell you what. How about some free sushi to make you feel better? I'll pay for it, so don't worry about paying Austin."

"Plus! I'll make the roll for you this time. Just order an easy one though; I can't make the hard ones."

"Really?! Thank you, Nick!"

"Hmm... is the Flying Fish Roe Roll okay?"

"Hmm... doesn't seem hard based on the ingredients listed here..."




"Awesome, I can do this. Let me go make the roll now. Don't expect tooo much from it, though."

"I thought you said you'll be a better chef than Gordon Ramsay."

"Oh, don't worry. One day I will. Annnd today isn't that day."

"Same price, same guy."

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