15 | Treasure Island Roll

117 9 8

"You have a nice name too."

"Of all the things you could've said..."


"Clover told me everything. I wish I could've been there to hear the phone call with my own two ears."

"I'm glad you weren't. It was really embarrassing..."

"Aw, how cute. Is my Rosaleen blushing?"

"Quit it, Nick! I-I'm not! One Treasure Roll, please..."

"Same price, same guy."



"Hey, wanna hear a pun?"

"Let's hear it."

"Looks like you're going to treasure that embarrassing moment for the rest of your life, huh?"

"Of all the puns you could've said...!"

"It was too gold of a pun. Perfect opportunity for it."


"Come on, you treasure my golden puns. I know you're smiling right now."

"Well... yes, I am, but—"

"Yeees! Mission 'make Rosaleen feel better' is complete!"

"You do feel better, right?"

"Yeeeah, surprisingly I do despite the lame puns."

"I would say something about that little comment of yours, but I'll just let it slide for today."

"Oh! Someone's calling. Have a fantastic day, Rosaleen. Enjoy that sushi, okay?"

"Geez, Nick..."


"You have a nice name too."

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