24 | Cucumber Roll

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"If Boss was a jerk to you, I'm going to come over there and give him a nice kick."

"Remind me to not mess with you."

"And don't worry, he didn't yell at me or anything like that. He actually wanted to check on my mental state and told me to talk to him if I ever need to."

"It was no surprise when Clover and Ben ran to my aid and yelled back at the woman, but Boss? That's a huge surprise for sure. He's not usually... uh... what's the word..."


"Yeah. That sounds about right."

"Well, I'm really happy that everything is okay now, and I'm glad to hear that you have people around you who you can confine in."

"I'm sorry for not letting you know about Clover and Ben. I should've let you know yesterday so that you could worry less."

"Don't worry about it. I figured they did do something about it since you seem to be close to them, especially Ben. He's your best friend, right?"

"Yeah, he's a cool guy. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. Even though I've only known Clover for a few months, she's one of the most genuine people I've ever met. She can get a little... what's the word..."


"Yeah, that. She was about to punch the lady, no joke. Ben and Austin had to hold her back."

"And... now I know you. You're... well, I can say some things about you."

"Good or bad?"

"It's a secret."

"Same response as Ben's..."

"We're best friends for a reason."


"Anyways! Your order, ma'am?"

"I'll take a simple Cucumber Roll, please. I'm feeling... simple today."

"If you were a vegetable, you would be a cutecumber."

"Geez, Nick."

"Oh, come on. Wouldn't that capture your heart? It's simple and sweet."

"You mean cool instead of sweet? Because cucumbers are cool."

"Like the sunglasses kinda cool or the refreshing kinda cool?"

"The latter is what I meant, but why not both?"


"Just messing with you. And... same price, same guy."

"If you were a vegetable, you would definitely be a beet."

"A beet? What makes you say that?"

"Hm... well... beets are a great addition to a lot of dishes since they're so yummy and—"

"Oh? So you're saying that I taste good."


"That's... unexpected. I don't mind bold Rosaleen, though."


"Th-that's not what I meant! I, uh, shouldn't have added in that part! Clearly I wasn't thinking through things, b-but what I was trying to say was—"

*pots and pans clacking*

"N-Never mind. I have to go get ready right now. Dad needs to go to the store to get some things."

"It's no problem. Talk to you tomorrow?"

"Oh, uh, yes, of course."

"Awesome. Have fun!"

"You too. Well... uh, have a good day is what I meant..."





"Cutecumber... that suits her."

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