18 | Sunset Roll

115 8 13

"Sooo? How was the four r's?"

"It was really good! You did a great job on it."

"Thanks! I'm glad. Did you see anything else?"

"No? Just the sushi...?"

"What? Didn't you see the obvious message I wrote on the sushi?"

"There was a message? You should've told me beforehand, Nick!"

"It was right there. How... how did you not see it?"

"I'm sorry! I got really excited to eat the sushi you made me, and I guess I didn't notice the message."


"Well, it's alright. The message wasn't too important anyhow."

"Uh... what did the message say...?"

"The first sushi had an 'H', next one had an 'E', and then a 'Y'... and the rest had smiley faces."

"Hey to you too with five smiley faces."


"I guess I'll forgive you for missing that message since the response you just gave was kinda... well, cu—unexpectedly sweet."


*clears throat*

"Your order for today, ma'am?"

"One Sunset Roll, please."

"Got it. Same price, same guy."

*yelling in the background*

"Ugh. A whole family just came in... I think I see two babies..."

"It's going to be really loud and hectic for the next hour or so..."

"I wish you luck! Don't let the babies ruin your day."

"Pray for me."

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