19 | Hawaiian Roll

120 8 23

"Nick, I need your help in this veeery important decision."

"On a scale from soy sauce to soy sauce with wasabi... how important is this decision?"

"Soy sauce with wasabi."

"Holy crap! Hold on, let me finish writing this order down from the last call; she ordered a whole boat of sushi."




"Annd we're done. So, what's up?"

"I don't know who I should date! I'm in between two guys: the energetic and cute student who loves to make jokes, or the cool, mysterious, detective guy...?"

"Ahhh! Heeellp me...!"




"Nick! Do you have your answer yet?"

"Rosaleen, no. Are you drunk?"

"What? No! I'm not allowed to drink anyhow."

"My brain can't... process this information."

"Oh! Do you want to hear their backstories? Or maybe some of their dialogue?"

"Dia what now? Backstories?"

"No, no, no. Wait. The real question I should be asking is, how on Earth did you get yourself a freaking detective?!"

"Wait, no. Well, yes, I'm curious about you managing to get a detective's heart, but the real question is: why are you meeting two guys at the same time?! I thought you were better than that!"

"If you put it like that..."

"I think I need to have a little chat—"


"Wait, wait. Did you think I was referring to real guys?"

"If by 'real' you mean breathing, solid men, then yes. Real guys."

"Oh geez, no! I'm playing an otome game."

"Oh-toe-me what now?"

"Dating simulator game."

"No judgement here."

"Yeah, okay Nick. I can tell from the tone in your voice that you're definitely judging me right now."

"Go for the energetic dude. He sounds like me, so obviously I would pick him."

"But... the detective guy sounds pretty freaking cool... I mean, come on. He's a whole detective."

"That's what I mean! Why do fake men have to be so spectacular?!"


"I'm so lonely..."

"Hey now, don't be so sad. We can be lonely buddies together."

"How about some sushi to bring up your spirits?"

"One Hawaiian Roll, please."

"Same price, same guy."

"One step at a time, Rosaleen. Sushi will bring your mood up in no time. It'll be there lei-der."


"Is it possible to date both of the guys at the same time?"

"No, but it's okay! I made my decision; I'll do sunshine guy's route first."

"I knew you would pick him. Sunshine guy is the best guy."

"Oh, but I still think the detective guy is cool. No hate toward him."

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