20 | Pink Lady Roll

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"You know, if you ever need advice on talking to a guy—a real one—let me know. I'll offer you my expertise free of charge."

"This is probably the most unnormal greeting you've done."

"I don't think 'unnormal' is a word."

"It is in my small dictionary book."

"You created your own dictionary book...?"

"You're strange, Rosaleen. But in a cute way."

"Cute... oh... uh... th-thank you."

"Oh, crap! Sorry for flustering you. I must've said that unconsciously this time. I meant it in a respectful, neutral way."

"No, don't apologize. It's just... it's the first time someone said that, so I was a little surprised."

"I'm surprised it's the first time someone said that to you."

"I-Is that so..."





*clears throat*

"So! Your order for this afternoon?"

"Oh, uh, right! I'll take a... Pink Lady Roll, please."

"Same price, same guy."




"Did I ruin our friendship?"

"What? No, of course not! I'm just... uh... being awkward for no reason... sorry..."

"You didn't do anything, so don't think that way, okay?"



"You should totally add 'straute' to your dictionary book."

"Straute? That sounds a little weird. What does it mean?"

"Strange, yet cute."


"How about... cutange?"

"Cutange... sounds like cute plus tangerine. I like it; it's way better than my lame straute."

"The only one who thinks it's lame is you, Nick. I wrote it down already with a small note saying you came up with it."

"Straute is... straute. A strange, yet a cute word."

"And I can say the same with your cutange."

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