He is okay

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Harry had been forced to go to class but it didn't matter he wasn't paying attention he was worried sick about Draco. It even caused a little mishap in herbology when he almost dropped a mandrake off a shelf.

He wasn't allowed to touch anything after that.

"Harry are you okay?" Hermione asked sitting next to Harry choosing him as his partner much to Rons distress as he was failing the class. In the end Hermione convinced him to team up with Neville

"I'm fine." Harry responded taking his glasses off and resting his head on the table

"Harry is this for the same reason you didnt go to potions?" Hermione asked as she planted various sorts of magical plants that nearly hit her

"Yes." Harry finally said after a moment

"Is it the same reason Draco isn't in class right now?" Hermione deducted as she noticed Harry's mood had gone from 'happy chosen one' to 'where the hell is my boyfriend'

"Mione can we not be detectives at this very moment?" Harry grit his teeth as he stared at Astoria green grass who seemed to be very joyful about Harry's state

"Harry I wouldn't have to be a detective if you would just tell me what happened" Hermione huffed as she began to write down the differences between muggle plants and magical ones

"When me and Draco were walking to class. Astorias sister attacked Draco" Hermiones quill snapped and she gulped glancing at Astoria who laughed happily with her friends

"Is be okay?" She whisper yelled and Harry nodded

"Luna said he would be fine I just have to keep him from smoking." Harry said dropping the box or cigarettes on the table

"Harry!" Hermione hisses snatching the box before anyone could see

"Mione we are the only ones who know what it is? Everyone in this class is pure blooded" Harry said with a bored expression

"Still." Hermione said as her cheeks turned pink she handed the box back to Harry and he fidgeted with the lid staring at the half empty box the smell of tabaco wafted to his nose and he recoiled a bit.

"Hermione he did this entire fake dating thing so he wouldn't have to marry her. What if it works and she attacks him even worse? Or maybe it won't work and they'll kill him before we even get the chance" Harry's voice cracked slightly as he decided he didn't want to do anything for the rest of the day and put his head back on the table for Hermione to finish their assignment for the rest of class

"Harry Potter" a prefect ravenclaw came through the door calling his name and everything looked at Harry who was snoring loudly

"Harry!" Hermione hisses elbowing his side

"Ouch! Mione!" Harry hissed back

"Harry Potter?" The ravenclaw said again a bit surprised

"Oh yeah I'm right here" Harry responded just staring at the girl

"Uh you are being requested. Please grab your things and come with me" she said properly giving a chef nod to the profesor and watching Harry pick his things up with a heavy sigh

"Later mione" he said she gave a short good bye and Harry was following the ravenclaw down the halls

"Am I like in trouble or something." Harry asked yawing

"No." She responded

"Who requested me?" Harry asked it was weird. If he wasn't getting in trouble why was he being requested he had assumed it was McGonagall

"You'll see" the ravenclaw girl said a bit frustrated with Harry's questions.

They walked into the hospital wing a few minutes later and Harry was confused

"So. Whoes here?" He asked stupidly the ravenclaw rolled her eyes and turned to Luna who was smiling at Draco who seemed proud as if he had told the greatest joke ever

"Alright Luna I did what you asked please don't take advantage of my title again" the girl huffed

"I didn't take advantage of your title. I am technically a school nurse now. It was business"Luna smiled and the girl faulted a bit then she spun on her heel and walked out of the room

"Hey y'all" Harry said though he cringed at the word 'yall' Draco sat up slightly and Luna smiled

"Well then. Harry I'm putting Draco in your care that mean he can enter the Gryffindor dorms and you can enter slytherins. If you cause trouble this will be revoked." Luna said reading off a paper. Harry choked slightly and Draco just plopped back into his bed

"You will be in charge of making sure Draco takes his medication and that he doesn't get struck again. One more hit to the chest could cause serious damage." Luna said and she put the parchment she was reading off of down

"Draco, Harry, any questions?" Luna smiled softly.

"Nah just give me my shirt and robes" Draco said Luna nodded and handed Draco a shirt and walked away. Harry arched a brow confused and he looked at Draco who was indeed shirtless a blanket was over his legs and he hoped Luna had kept his trousers on. He turned away quickly a large blush spreading on his face

"I'm gonna wait outside call me when you're done." Harry yelped starting to walk away before Draco yelled

"Wait!" Harry halted at Draco voice he turned slightly to look at Draco who bit his lip

"I can't put the shirt on by myself" he said fidgeting with the cloth

"Of course you can't" Harry thought in distress

"Right." Harry walked towards Draco and took the shirt carefully putting it over dracos head and slipping Dracos pale yet oddly muscular arms next. Draco stood when Harry was finished and Harry yelped.

"What?" Draco asked a little alarmed. Harry opened his eyes slightly to see Draco was wearing his trousers.

"Merlin Potter I didn't know you were such a pervert" Draco laughed but winced at the pain

"Shut up" Harry blushed helping Draco put his robe on

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