1. The Apartment

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hello and welcome to my first chapter, thank you so much for reading! also follow my TikTok if you want haha @fred.weasley4 <3

i would like to clear a few things up before i start my first chapter

1. i do not support jk r*wling or any of her actions. her transphobic comments were completely irrelevant and disrespectful. i love and respect everyone that is a part of lgbtq+ love is love!

2. i will not tolerate racist, homophobic, r@pe jokes etc in my comments. this hasn't happened yet but when it does i am not putting up with it your straight onto my block list.

3. this book is not meant to sexualise the actors of the book this is just a book i started writing for fun, anything that is said that will sexualise the characters will be blocked.

4. Please don't bring Golden Boy or Zina anything like that into my story. My story is inspired by Golden Boy with my own twist. It kinda hurts me when people said 'another zina' or 'this is like golden boy' things like that because I have tried my best to make this story my own.

5. If you see the name 'Lauren' in this book please do leave a comment and tell me. Lauren was the old name for the main character 'Melissa' before I changed it.

6. i do have my own things going on and another story to write so sorry if chapters come out late. enjoy my story i love you <3


"Ron get down here for breakfast!" screamed Harry.
"Yeah one second!" he replied while struggling to get his Ron jumper on that his mother, Mrs. Weasley, made for him in his first year of Hogwarts. Of course, he was 16 now so he barely fitted into it but he continued to wear it to make his mother happy.

Ron still sees his mother but not as often because he doesn't live with her anymore; he lives with Harry, Hermione, Fred, George, Melissa and his 15 year old sister Ginny in a small apartment not far from his mother's house. Harry, Hermione and Melissa were all the same age as Ron but Fred and George were a year older.


Downstairs, Melissa and Fred were play-fighting as they usually do every morning. The others say they're flirting but of course, Melissa and Fred both deny it.
"Oi, you two! Stop flirting!" George screamed from the kitchen.
"We're not! He's trying take my headband!" Melissa said while giggling.
George scoffs and goes back into the kitchen.
"Awww, too small are you?" Fred said mockingly. Melissa keeps trying to get her headband while snickering at Fred but she can't help but notice all the muscle Fred has on his arms. They were large and rather attractive to Melissa but, obviously they didn't mean anything because she'd know him for years, right?
Melissa's parents died on her first year of Hogwarts, Mr and Mrs Weasley have been taking care of her while she was away from Hogwarts ever since, they were like family to her.
"Fine, fine take your headband back Clarke" Fred said while still teasing her. Fred had many nicknames for Melissa, he had: Clark which was her last name, Mel and MC.
MC was just something he called her when he needed her. Mel was the main thing he called her.
"Give it back!" She demanded still while giggling. She stood on her toes to try and reach it, but Fred was so tall and muscular and she was so tiny compared to him, it was a big struggle. Just as she was about to get it, she slipped on the hardwood floor taking Fred down with her.
They both collapsed on the floor, Melissa fell on top of him, their faces so close they were almost kissing. They looked at each other in the eyes awkwardly. Fred had the biggest smirk on his face but Melissa went red and couldn't help but notice his gorgeous hazel eyes that looked as though to Melissa as they were sparkling.

Butterflies started to grow at the pit of Melissa's stomach, she only feels like this when she's nervous, so why would she be nervous about being with Fred? Fred's her best friend after all.
They stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds then both burst out laughing at what just happened.
"Woah then, what's going on here! Something you need to tell us guys?" George said jokingly while coming out the kitchen.
"No, no, no, no, noooo! nothing going on here don't you worry George, we just fell." Fred told him with a serious but sarcastic face.
Melissa agreed and nodded.
"Fell? Alright, breakfast is on the table so you guys can go help yourselves." George said.
"Thanks George" they both replied.


Everyone was sat at the table eating their breakfast while listening to Hermione and Harry's story about the time they got chased by Professor Lupin as a werewolf in their 3rd year at Hogwarts. Everyone was intrigued and got very interested in the story pretty quickly because of how intense it was. Fred, on the other hand, didn't take any notice of the story and he decided to start playfully kicking Melissa under the table, she gave him a firm look that said, 'try me'.

Fred raised his eyebrows at her and they started kicking each other under the table, now completely lost as to where Harry and Hermione were in their story, Fred grabbed both of Melissa's feet with his legs and jokingly whispered to her,
"There's no way you can beat me Clark,"
"You wish Weasley." she said with a mischievous smirk on her face. Fred sat back in his chair,
"You're a cheeky one aren't ya." He laughed with a surprised look on his face.
"That's what you don't get Fred..." she said while standing up "...I'm full of surprises." She winked at him and he looked her up and down, butterflies formed in her stomach again. She smirked at him as she was walking away with her dish.


It was night time, and everyone was relaxing in the living room. Harry and Ginny were cuddling up on the sofa (as they usually do), Hermione was studying ready for going back to Hogwarts, Ron sleeping, again, George was also sleeping and Melissa and Fred were playing chess on the floor in the middle of the room.

"CHECK. MATE." Melissa shouted.
Ron snorted as he was awoken,
"Bloody hell Melissa, how loud do you wanna be?"
"Sorr—" she is cut off by Ron falling back asleep, she couldn't even finish her sentence before he was sock on again.
"You may of beat me this time MC, but not next time" Fred cheekily said,
"Okay Freddie, okay"
He helped her up and winked at her,
"I'm going bed now everyone" he said calmly while yawning.
"Goodnight Fred!" They all replied
"Goodnight" Fred had his sleepy voice on, this, this was the moment Melissa realised....
She's falling for Fred.

{AUTHORS NOTE ~ Hello everyone and thank you for reading my first chapter, I am very sorry if you don't like my writing. i do try my best but i've always had a down side abt writing lol. With love ~ L}

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