Your Little Game

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Clementine absolutely loved her new job at the finest bookstore in their town.

Well, if you would even call it a job.

For Clementine Marsh, she was a kid in a candy store. Books, peace and quiet, books, a nigh infinite amount coffee, and more books. What wasn't to love?

Clementine glances beside her. A special stack of newly purchased photography books authored by Phillip Lorca-Dicorcia, Robert Doisneau, Henri Cartier-Bresson and Julia Cameron lay on her desk, just begging to be enjoyed. The problem with being a bookworm in a place like this, is how easy it was to amass a giant backlog that'll take ages to burn through.

It may been overwhelming for some, but Clem wasn't one to be deterred. For today, would be an excellent make-up day. No one had even showed up yet. And the less amount of customers she'd have to deal with, the more time she would have playing catch up.

Clementine happily takes one of her books from the pile and retrieves a pair of reading glasses resting next to a cup holder containing pencils, pens, erasers and white out.

This action had consequences.

She accidentally spills the contents from the cup all over her station, which prompted a low whisper of "shit". Arranging the items neatly back in the cup, The brunette takes a deep breath and goes back to her book.

and we are off to a good start today.

She had absolutely no idea.

As Clementine put on her glasses and browsed the first page, a phone rang to shake her out of her concentration.

So much for playing catch up.

At last, some action. Her first customer of the day, no doubt. Clementine picks up the phone and places it to her ear. "Welcome to Literature for Less. My name is Clementine Marsh, what can I help you with today?"

"Hello! I was wondering if you had Mating in Captivity in?" A much older voice asked.

Clementine was slightly taken aback. It wasn't the fact it was the first time anyone had asked for these types of literature. To the contrary, the category was very popular. Everyone loved some erotica and smut in their lives.

No, that wasn't it. What caught her off guard was that an old lady would still be into this kind of shit. Her putrid thoughts immediately turned to vaginal cobwebs, crusty dicks and wrinkly nutsacks. Well, generally speaking, old people sex.

Old people need love, too. Don't be a prude, Clementine.

Still, it had to be greatly admired that this lady's libido was still in such excellent condition. "Well?" The woman wondered why there wasn't an answer.

"Oh, uh, yes, we do!" Clementine snapped back to reality.

The voice on the other line further explained. "You see, me and my husband used to have really good sex, but I'm afraid he just can't get it up anymore. I consider myself a monster in the sack, but nowadays it seems I can no longer please him, and I heard that book has some insight on how I can fix that."

Hold up. Too much information.

Clementine's immature brain couldn't contain a snicker at the request, like she really needed to know all the gory details. Go off, grandma.

A stern growl rose from the older woman. "What exactly do you think is funny?" Trying her best to contain herself, Clementine puts on a straight face and cleared her throat. "Very sorry. I was amused by—"

"Amused by me?" The lady snapped back. "Young lady, who is in charge? I would like to speak to your manager."

"He's not in right now, I'm actually left in charge for the day. Look, I'm terribly sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I—"

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