One Night

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It was tipping it down with rain when Violet got off the bus, it pounded on the roof of the bus stop and turned the streets into rivers. The bus stop was open on and the wind blow the rain against Violet as she stood there soaking her instantly. Knowing it is too wet to walk to her apartment she instead ran across the street to a pub where she can wait out the storm, she isn't one to drink but she does on occasion. Now to her seemed like the perfect time, she's had a bad day at work and now is stuck in a bar while she waits out the rain. She could use a drink she tells herself, it's what she needs to forget this day ever happened.

She walks into the bar to see it nearly empty apart from a group of four women about her own age sat in the corner and two men sat at the bar, one of which as a nasty bruise the perfect shape of a hand on his left check. She walks up to the bar and quickly orders a drink, she then moves away to seat in a nearby chair not liking the way she sees the two men look at her. She's starting to know how that bruised check happened, she has a feeling it was one of those four other women in the bar with her that inflected that wound. Not wanting to talk to anyone Violet just sits quietly while she enjoys her drink, she isn't alone for long though as soon the man with the hand shaped bruise soon sits down next to her.

"Evening love, mind if I join you?" He asks not waiting for a response and assuming he can, this makes Violet uncomfortable and she was about to ask him to leave her alone when he continues leaning in closer invading her personal space. "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be alone, what you drinking? I'll buy your next pint"

"No thank you" Violet politely replies as he gets too close for comfort. "I can buy my own drink"

"Come on I insist" He continues ignoring her response. "Just let me buy you a drink"

"No" Violet tells him more forcefully, she's normally quiet and polite but at times like this she can speak for herself. "No can you please leave me to drink in peace"

"Come on love I..." Violet looks up at him just in time to see him being lifted out of his chair, she sees a pair of hand tightly gripping the collar of his shirt and who those hands belong to. They belong to one of the four other women she had scene when she entered the bar, she has a short brunette hair thats up on a bun and a pair of hazel eyes that strikes fear into the man she's holding heart. "This doesn't concern you bitch"

"She said no" The woman replies pushing him away so hard he falls to the ground. "Listen to her before I make your cheeks a matching set"

"Fine I'll go" He says shaking slightly as the women lets her go.

"Forget about that piece of trash, he tried the same thing with me until I gave his cheek that massive bruise" She tells Violet as they both watch the man sulk back to his friend. "I'm Clementine Marsh by the way"

"I'm Violet but you can also just call me vi" Violet replies as they look at each other again. "Thanks for helping me, I'm not good with men"

"Don't mention it" Clementine says with a smile. "Mind if I join you"

"Won't your friends miss you?" Violet ask as she looks over to where the Clementine and her friends were sat only to find an empty table.

"They left, they have work tomorrow but I don't so I can stay out and enjoy myself some more, so can I join you?" Clementine answers but she waits for Violet to give her permission before she sits down unlike that man did.

"Sure" Violet agrees with a nod of her head and Clementine quickly sits down.

"You look like you had a rough day" Clementine says as she takes her seat. "I didn't think you would want that bastard over there to make things worse"

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