Hook Up

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It had been a long time since Violet dated. When she started her schooling, she found that her focus was better spent on studies instead of dating.

Now that she’d been awarded her degree and was out of academia, she found she didn’t even know how to date.

So, she turned to dating apps. Louis suggested the app designed specifically for people like her. The queer kind. It felt safer to stick to a queer app. Violet wasn’t really sure why.

It took a while for her to have the courage to do more than scroll through and look. It just felt so daunting. But eventually she started clicking on people.

And that’s how she’d ended up at some stranger’s house one Sunday evening.

They’d only texted for a day and a half, but it seemed like enough. She felt ready, though there was a part of her that was terrified. What if this person was a murderer? What if she wasn’t any good at this anymore? Or worse - what if the person had no sense of adventure or curiosity?

But it was just supposed to be a hook-up. Nothing serious. No real feelings needed. Which was good since Violet wasn’t sure she was even capable of those types of feelings anymore.

So, there she stood in the kitchen of Clementine’s condo. They each cradled a glass of white wine and had been sipping while chatting about nothing serious. That was, until Clementine blurted:

“So what do you like?”

“Like?” Violet blinked. That seemed like such a vague question. She liked a lot of things — biology, engineering, video games, sci-fi shows and lastly how could you forget, Chicken nuggets. Where did she even start?

“When you’re with a woman - what kind of things do you like?”

“I… well… I don’t really know.” Violet stumbled over her words, trying to think of a better answer.

“How don't you know?” Clementine looked at her, clearly confused.

“I don’t have enough data,” Violet stated.


“Yes.” Violet nodded like it made perfect sense — to her it did. “I have only really been with one other woman - you should replicate things at least three times to conclude you failed to prove the null hypothesis. Therefore, I don’t have enough data to come to a solid conclusion on what I do and do not like.”

“So… you in need for more experience with women?” Clementine asked with a small grin.

“Right. I need more hands on research.” Violet said, grinning back.

“Hands on, hm?” Clementine’s smile turned sly.

“Yes. Hands on.” Violet chimed, bouncing on the tips of her toes. “Hands on you”

Clementine snorted at the line and set her wine glass on the kitchen counter. “Is that so?”

Violet grinned and nodded, looking Clementine over with a twinkle in her eyes. Maybe it was the alcohol. Or maybe Clementine just brought something out in her, but she found herself saying, “Now take off your clothes. It’s for science!”

“Science can bite my arse,” Clementine said playfully.

“Maybe..” Violet beamed. “If you’re good.”

Clementine raised an eyebrow but didn’t hesitate. She quickly pulled off her tank top and wasn’t wearing a bra.

Violet held in a groan at the sight of Clementine’s breasts -- in her estimation, they were perfect. And due to her short stature, they were very close to eye level.

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