✩ Chapter 21 - The Army ✩

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After a couple of days, I hadn't heard anything from Hermione. I've seen her around but she hasn't said anything. I was currently leaving potions and I decided to head to the Common Room to chill.. I was sat on my bed sorting out my clothes as Draco was on the end reading something till a owl appeared on my window. I opened it and took the note out of its mouth.

' meet me outside the hall, we've found a place. Bring Caitlin.

- H '

I take the note and put it in my robe pocket and start to put my shoes on.

"Where you going?" Draco asks as he shows concern.

"I'm gonna go and study with Caitlin, so I'll be back later." I respond back.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No babe, it's fine. I'll see you later ok?" I kiss him on the cheek and head out. I grab her and signal her to follow me. I lead her out the Common Room and quickly stop. I show her the note as we start to walk again. We get to the Hall as we see Hermione.

"Hey, you'll never guess what we found." Hermione says excited.

"No, what is it?" Caitlin says as we follow Hermione around some corners.

"The Room of Requirement!" She squeals.

"But how? No one knows where it is or how to find it." I question back.

"Neville found it. It's so exciting! We're doing something we're not meant to? It's quite the thrill"

"I never thought you were the type to disobey rules?" I question back. They both giggle. We stop at a wall and wait a few seconds till a large door appears. We open the doors and stepped in to a dim lit room. It had a fire at the top of the room and a glass window which shon daylight through it. There was students there, waiting for someone to speak. I stand at the back with Caitlin and wait.

"Come stand at the front with us?" Hermione says to both me and Caitlin. I nod my head and make my way through the crowd. Hermione stood to the left of me and to my right was Caitlin.

"Hi. So you know why we're all here but I want to just explain it once more. We need a teacher, someone who's had experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts. And as you can guess, Harry has had experience." Hermione starts.

"Apart from me, we have asked some other people to help in teaching you guys. Hermione and Ron are very good at defending themselves. Jade is fantastic at charms and yes, I would like to point out that even though her and Caitlin are both Slytherin, they are dear friends so please treat them like you would treat us." I look over at Harry and nod my head at him in respect.

"All information will be sent by owl shortly so please prepare for them. For this evening, we're not going to stay here for long, as it's nearly curfew but we're going to start off with a simple spell we should all know as 'Expellilarmus.' Now let's line up in 2's" Harry finishes off.

We get into 2's and line up facing a mannequin at the front. I was partnered up with Nigel, who was a younger Gryffindor.

First up was Neville and Harry. Neville didn't quite perform the spell right as his wand was the one to fling out of his hand. Harry corrected him and told him to keep practising. Everyone closely watched him as he performed the spell. Everyone took their turn till it was me and Nigel's.

"So Nigel, as your a bit smaller your going to have to point your wand a little higher, if that's ok?" I question as I looked down to him. He said the spell and it shot the wand out of the mannequins hand but he falls back as well. I softly giggle as I help him up.

"That was really good, we just need to build on your stance and strength. So when you're doing spells make sure to stand up straight and strong. So like this." I say as I take my stance and shoot the spell, it works. Nigel watches as I do the spell and nods in response. We move to the side as we watch the others.

"You're not as scary as I thought you'd be" Nigel says as he looks straight at me. I smile at him.

"Being a Slytherin doesn't define me, it was a 1/4 chance." I say in response.

"You're a very good witch." He says while smiling at me, I nod at him while saying

"I know." Nigel starts to laugh at my response which make me smile back.

* After Practice *

"Well done everyone! Most of you did well but with some others you'll be able to practice with your partner and ask for help for others. But for tonight, thank you for coming and we'll see you soon!" Harry exclaims as we start to clap.

Some students slowly make their way out, being cautious of not to be caught by other students or teachers. Me and Caitlin stay back for a bit.

"That was so good, I really think you're going to make a great difference helping out" Harry says as he become in between me and Caitlin patting our shoulders.

"Thank you, Harry. It's mainly all Jade but I'm glad to be here too" Caitlin responds.

"You're being modest Cait, but yes thanks for having us I guess" I say back. Harry smiles at us as we move away and out of the Room.

We walk in the Common Room to see only a few students in here, none of them were Draco, Goyle and/or Crabbe. We head into our room. I start to get dressed. I put on some shorts and a jumper.

"Guys? Are you back?" We here Goyle say from the other side of the door.

"Umm, yeah. Why?" Caitlin questions.

"We're all hanging out in our room playing some games and talking if you want to join?" Goyle responds once again. I look at Caitlin as she looks at me. I nod my head yes as she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, we'll see you soon" I say back. We hear him walk away.

"Are you coming with?" I ask as I look over to Cait. She hesitates for a minute before shrugging and replying yes.

After a while we start to head out the door. As soon as I get out of the door, Draco runs full speed towards me and crashes into me. He picks me up so I'm over his shoulders and runs back to the Room.

"DRACO, NO PUT ME DOWN. IM SLIPPING" I squeal as he carries on running. We get into his room and he throws me onto the bed. I land lying down and prop myself up with my elbows.

"You were taking too long!" He says back as he starts to lean closer to me. His face was so close to mine I could feel his breathe. He grabs the side of my face and gives me a quick kiss. He pulls back and flops onto the floor.

He turns around a little and pulls my legs over his shoulders as he grips onto my calf's. I start to play with his hair as we all settle and talk.

"Who's up for a game of Snitch Snatcher?" Goyle asks as he starts to set it up.

"Yes" me and Caitlin say in unison. I take a seat next to Draco and Cait as we all form a circle. Time for games night!

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