✩ Chapter 44 - Hangover ✩

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• Draco's POV: •

I woke up and looked over to my side to see Jade still fast asleep. Her hair was messy and her makeup smudged, but she still was beautiful. Whenever I looked at her, she reminded me of a poem I had read once:

'She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.'

She was perfect, she gave me happiness even in the darkest of days. I smiled to myself as I pulled her closer.

This year was going to be so different, I just hoped she wouldn't drift away from me again. We needed each other, the love I had for her made me feel powerful; like I could do anything and be whoever I wanted to be.

She shifts in her sleep as she moves away from me and stretches. She was awake.

"Good morning, Beautiful" I whispered to her as she fluttered her beautiful blue eyes open. Her eyes met with mine as she rolled over onto her stomach and leaned herself up.

"Hows your head?" She asks as she moves herself and leans onto my chest. I look down at her as I tie my fingers into her hair.

"My heads fine, and yours?"

"It hurts a little" she finishes and rubs her temples. I laugh and shake my head.

"Maybe a bit of breakfast could make you feel better?" I suggest as I continue to stare at her. She smiles and gets up.

"Only if you're making it" she asks back. I huff.

"Oh no, you can make your own." I smirk back as I slowly get up next to Jade.

"Oh charming" she's says back while rolling her eyes. She stands up and turns back to me lifting me off the bed.

"You would roll your eyes more, it's sexy" I say as I bit my lip. She rolls her eyes again and starts to walk out the door. I notice how she only wore my top and a pair of lace pants. I pick her up from behind and place her back on the bed.

"What are you doing? I want fooood" she moans and looks back at me. I point to her legs as she looks down and notices what she wasn't wearing as she covered herself up. I laugh and go into my draws as I pull out some grey joggers tossing them over to her. She puts them on quickly and stands up. I take her hand in mine as we walk out the room together, hearing the voices from downstairs get louder.

• Jade's POV: •

"Goyle, you've practically burning the toast, you might as well throw it away... what a waste" I hear Caitlin shout from the kitchen. I walk in with Draco as I take a seat on the island, watching them bicker.

"Well it doesn't matter, I'll still eat it anyway" Goyle exclaims as he takes a bite of the black piece of toast. I cringe when I hear the crunch and see some black toast bits in his mouth.

"Goyle close your mouth when you're chewing, merlin" Caitlin gags as she looks away. She finally notices me as she wake up and hugs me.

"What would you like for breakfast? None burnt toast?" She says as she looks over to Goyle then back at me.

"I'm in the mood for pancakes, but I'll make them... Babe do you want some?" I say as I get up gathering the ingredients.

"Yes please Jade"

"Oh and me!"

"If you're offering of course"

"I thought you'd never ask" they all say at different times. I huff and place the ingredients down.

"So your telling me Goyle you've just eaten toast and are still hungry?" I say as I look to him. He shrugs and eats the last corner. I groan and look to the rest.

"And I'm pretty sure you guys are capable of making your own?" I say pointing towards Caitlin and Blaise. Draco chuckles as he crosses his arms.

"There's no point in making 2 lots of batches... you might as well do it" Caitlin says as she smirks.

"Cheeky bitch" I say as I start to put the ingredients together. Draco comes from behind me as he puts his hands around my waist.

"Want any help?" He says into my ear sending chills down my spine.

"You could put some oil in the pan?" I say as I nod to the oil.

"Seriously? Is that it? A child could do that" he says as he quickly does it.

"Well you are a child so what's your point?"

"OHHHHH BURNNNNN" I hear from behind me as I turn to see Blaise pulling faces. Draco turns to him and walks over to him as Blaise cowards over in fear.

"That's what I thought" is all Draco says as he turns back around and huffs. I laugh to myself as I mix the mixture.

* After finishing Breakfast *

"Those are the best pancakes I might've ever tasted" Blaise says as he rubs his stomach. I curtsy to him as I move the plates into the dishwasher.

"We need to clean up before my mother gets back, no excuses you're all helping" Draco clears his throat and stretches in his chair. Blaise and Goyle groan in frustration. I whip Goyle with the tea towel currently in my hands.

"Hey, don't be rude... you wouldn't like it if this was your house and everyone reacted like that when they ask for your help" I state as I back up Draco. He smiles to me.

"I don't like this house anyway" Goyle whispers as he slowly gets up. I whip him one last time as he walks away and whimpers in shock. I laugh as Draco does too and Caitlin. This was going to be a long day.

* After cleaning up *

"Draco? I'm home! Oh, Jade it's good to see you" Narcissa exclaims as she walks through the door and approaches me. She greets me into a hug as I do so back. She looks me up and down.

"I see you've already found Draco's clothes" she says back. I feel my cheeks go red in embarrassment, making me feel like I couldn't afford my own clothes (even though I could)

"Mother please, what's mine is hers.. mi casa-"

"Su casa, yes." She finishes Draco's sentence off. She turns and looks around the house, admiring the now clean house.

"Did you guys have a good time last night?" Narcissa asks as she turns back to us. Draco slings his arm over my shoulder.

"You could say that." He says as he looks down at me smirking. Oh boy

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