✩ Chapter 40 - He's back ✩

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The next couple of days, everyone went crazy. They heard that You-Know-Who was back and it was confirmed. Not only by Harry but the ministry itself, the minister was threatened to be fired as he didn't listen and denied it at first, but for now he was going to stay on.

I was currently outside by myself as I watched Umbridge have her photo taken. That's another part I forgot to mention, Umbridge had been suspended and there was an investigation undergoing... seeing as she's part of the ministry it was only fitting that she should go back.

Professor Dumbledore was also back too, and he was reinstated back to headmaster. Everything seemed to be going back as normal at Hogwarts, but I didn't feel like it. Days ago my fathers life got taken, I could never recover over that... I felt a hand place onto my shoulder as I turn to the side to see Caitlin.


"Hey Cait" I say back faintly. We stand in silence as we watch Filch bring out Umbridge's luggage. I take a deep breath.

"This year has changed us so much... so much has happened it's mental" Caitlin says looking over at me.

"It really has, it makes me think that things really won't be the same again." I state looking over to her. She shrugs.

"There's one thing that hasn't changed though" Caitlin trails off.

"Which is?"

"Draco... he still loves you" she says quietly.

"Did he put you up to this?" I question her as I smirk.

"Actually he didn't, I just think it's time for you guys to kiss and make up." She says back as we start to walk away. I shake my head at her.

"I need a bit of time, I'm not going to hop into his arms again... not yet" I say back. I link my arms with hers as she smiles over to me.

"Let's go get some food." She says as she smiles. I laugh.

"Alright, let's" I say back as we walk towards the Great Hall.

I walk in as I feel eyes on me, people had known what had happened at the Ministry and that means my dad. I sit down at the table as I start to tuck in. I feel something hit my shoulder as I look to the ground to a ball of paper. I pick it up and turn around to meet eyes with the golden trio and the Weasley twins. I smile at them all as I turn round and un-wrap the note.

' we're sorry about your loss, but we want to thank you for your help... we're meeting up one last time in the Room of Requirement. Meet us there?
- H'

I show Caitlin the note as she looks up at me and smiles. I turn back round and nod to the guys who still were looking at me. I faintly smile and turn around trying to hold my tears in. I didn't want to cry in front of everyone.

* Later on *

Throughout the day, the words of "I'm sorry for your loss" became repetitive. It felt like everywhere I was, people just had to say it. I did say thank you and did appreciate it but it was making me sick.

I got to the Door as I waited for it to appear as me and Caitlin and a few others entered. Seeing as Umbridge was gone and the inquisitorial squad were no more, we didn't have to hide. We walk in to see everyone from Dumbledores Army standing still as they waited for everyone to join.

"Hey guys. This will be the last time we meet in here as we won't need to be continuing doing the lessons. But I would just like to take this opportunity to say thank you all for your hard work. It took us a while to actually get off our feet but we got there in the end and that's what count. Now as most of you know, when we went to the ministry - specifically the Department of Mysteries - Jade had lost her father from a Death Eater and we would like to take a moment to condole her and her families thoughts. We will always be here for you through thick and thin and we appreciate everything you have sacrificed for us. So thank you, Jade" Harry says as he walks up to me and give me an awkward hug. I hug him back as I feel another pair of shoulders wrap around mine. It was Caitlin. It then got multiplied as everyone was now crowding around me as I was in the centre getting crushed.

"Well, this is cosy isn't it?" I hear one of the Weasley twins says as I left out a faint giggle. We all eventually separate as I thank them all for the support. We all talk for a while till we leave the Room of Requirement. I take one look back at the door as it vanishes before me. I smile to myself as I walk off and away back to my dorm.

* After packing *

I was finishing packing up my bags when I heard a knock on the door, I turn to see Draco as he slowly walks through the open gap. I stand up and take a seat on the end of my bed. He pulls up a chair as he sits opposite me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me sincerely.

"Better, I know it'll take time so I'm just taking each day as it goes. Are you ok?" I ask him as he fiddles with his jumper.

"That's good and I guess ok, I wanted to talk to you about something-"

"Us?" I cut him off questioning him. He shrugs and leans down with his elbows on his knees.

"You know I love you, but I'm not going to rush you. Everything I did was wrong and you deserve the world, and I'm willing to give you mine whenever you're ready." He says as he looks up to me.

I stand up as I grab his hands and place them on my waist. He grabs my waist as I play with the top of his jumper nearest his neck. He studies me as I look up to him. I lean in giving him a small kiss. I could still feel the electricity pulsing through my body. I pull away and look up to him with a faint smile.

"You won't be waiting long... but I need to concentrate on my family first" I say back. He shoots me a small smile as he nods. He places a kiss onto my cheek as he lets me go and walks out the room. I take a deep breathe and look into my mirror.

"Draco?" I quickly say as he spins around.

"I love you too" I say back. He smiles at me as he lightly blushes then walks away.

It was true, I was in love with Draco Malfoy. He was my happiness. I was the storm and he was the rainbow around the corner. I knew it would take time but as Luna once told me:

"The things we lose, always have a way of coming back to us at the end"

AN //

And that's the end of year 5! For the next chapter I won't go straight into the 6th year but I wanna do it about Her dads funeral, so it's not all based on the Films/book.
I'll see you soon!

Also another note, I'm not all for views but have been noticing that I haven't been even getting 1 read from any of my recent chapters so I'll be stopping it for a while till I'm comfortable with uploading again, apart from that I've also been having some troubles with friends and family so I need to concentrate on myself but either way I hope everyone is safe and you all look after yourselves... hope to see you all in a little while!

- J :)

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