✩ Chapter 33 - Headmaster ✩

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I don't know what we were all expecting, but Umbridge gave us all detentions. I hadn't gotten one in ages and I was doing so well, but now the streak was broken. Me, Caitlin and some others watched as Filch hung up the over 100th plaque.
'Dolores Jane Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadary.' It stated. Seeing as Dumbledore had disappeared, we needed a new headmaster... and you can guess who volunteered straight away.

The Ministry were still looking for Dumbledore, like he was somewhere easy to find. He didn't want to be found and it was clear, I could never imagine him going to Azkaban. EVER. He was the headmaster of the best Wizarding school.

Draco hadn't spoken to me at all, which yes I did tell him not to but this made it 10 times worse. Even when he did it was always to annoy me or try to get some type of reactions. But apart from that, if we were in the same room or class (which was most of them) he wouldn't even look at me, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want to get back with me either. I always wondered if he was going to have any sympathy for me, but if he even had the intention of joining the squad then I guess not.

Today was horrible, Umbridge's voice could be heard in every Corridor and Room. She made statement after statement on the loud speakers.

"Boys and girls are not permitted to be within eight inches of each other."

"Those wishing to join the inquisitorial squad for extra credit may be able to. Please come and see me in my office."

"Students will be submitted to questioning about suspected illicit activities. Any student in noncompliance will be expelled." She trailed off.

She made each room seem so gloomy. She even demanded the pictures be removed on the moving staircases. The curfew was even earlier now. As soon as classes finished, we had to get straight back to the Dorms.

Me and Caitlin walked in silence to the not so Great Hall. We had a massive detention with the others and of course, Umbridge. We got near as I saw Draco waiting outside. He was leaning against the wall with his hands crossed watching me walk closer to the Hall, his smirk was bigger then ever.

"Pfft, pathetic" I whispered for only Caitlin to her.

"Pathetic am I? I'll remember that" he remarked. I stoped and turned to him, for a second he frowned when he saw my face. The disappointment crossed all over it, but regained smirking. I stick my middle finger out to him as I carried on to walk into the Hall. We got seated as she sat at the front of the hall. Every single desk now had a black quill to it. I sat on the front row, 2 to the left. She told us to pick up our quills and start to write.

I must not break rules.
I must not break rules.
I must not break rules.

I looked over to my hand to see the words start to carve into them. Whimpers and grunts sounded in the hall as people felt the pain I did. I looked up to Umbridge to see her smirking down at us and drinking her tea. I flinched my hand to try and distract the pain, but it was no use. The pain felt even worse when there are more people in the room. The only thing that could be heard were the people and the quills mainly.

I must not break rules.
I must not break rules.
I must not break rules.

After a hour of the detention, we eventually are allowed to leave. Umbridge watches us once again and continues to smirk. We leave the hall and see Cho waiting for us. No one talks to her but just walks past her, some people nudging her on their way. We walk away and back into our dorms.

Me and Caitlin, sit in silence on our beds, not knowing what to say to each other.

"Caitlin, you wouldn't be in this mess if I didn't invite you into it... I'm sorry" I start to tear up as I feel extremely guilty. She gets up from her bed and sits on mine next to me.

"No, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault... I wanted to take part in this as much as you did... please don't cry." She sympathies and wipes away my tears. I give her a weak smile and look at my hand, tracing the words around it.

"Hows your hand?" I ask as I look over to hers. Caitlin's hand was redder then mine, as she has never received Professor Umbridge's detention before.

"It still hurts, it could be worse"

"No, it could be better. That's the worse it'll ever be" I say back. She shrugs as she looks at our hands.

"It's like a best friend bracelet, but more of a mark" she says as she raises her eyebrows. I look over at her as she holds in a laugh but we eventually give up.

• Draco's POV: •

"So, are we cool then?" Jade says as she looks over to Caitlin. She nods.

"Of course we are, we were never not cool." She says back. They smile at each other. I start to close the door quietly and slowly as they talk. I creep away. I did have a little remorse for Jade but not much. She got herself into this. I'd rather her cheat then been part of that stupid group. I sat down on the sofa and scoffed. I just couldn't believe it.

"How you feeling?" Goyle questions me. I roll my eyes.

"I'm feeling great, I'm just so confused on why and how she could go through that... and lie to me all this time" I say back. He leans forward, puzzled.

"Sometimes somethings are best kept a secret"

"And look where that got her" I say back annoyed. This was all her fault. But to think of it, how did she even get in there? Her and Caitlin were the only Slytherins... I think more as I try to wrap my mind around it.

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