✩ Chapter 27 - Complications ✩

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I looked at him in the eyes, desperate for someone or something around us to happen so this conversation could be paused.

"I'm not cheating on you Malfoy, it'll always be you." I say back truthfully. He looks into my eyes, hurt. He doesn't cry but just carries on to get more and more distressed.

"And if you don't tell me what this note means, then I will presume you're cheating on me and I'm walking away." He says looking down at the note and back at me. I take a deep breathe once more, it felt like my lungs were going to be taken off me. I felt like the air was getting thinner and the walls were collapsing in, I found it hard to concentrate.

"I can't tell you." I say back as my heart breaks. He looks down and back up to me, with no tears in his eyes. He brings the note up and shoves it into my hands as he stands next to me but faced in the opposite direction.

"I can't be with someone who can't even look their boyfriend in the eye and tell them the truth." And with that, he walks away. The tears start to flow as I hear his footsteps get quieter.

I prop myself onto the wall as i start to feel dizzy. The footsteps stop for a second as I imagine he stops to look at me one more time and they trail off once more. I let out silent whimpers as I try to breathe for air. He really broke up with me? I really wish I could've told him the truth but I just couldn't. I needed to get out of here, anywhere but here. I dry my tears away as I race up the stairs of the Dungeon.

"JADE! COME BACK" I hear Caitlin shout as I presume she watches me run away.

I carry on running till I decide to head up to the astronomy tower. I get up there making sure no one was there as I take a seat at the edge of the railing. I let out silent whimpers once again.

The feeling my heart was shrinking and there wasn't much I could do. I sat there, silently crying for god knows how long till I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I secretly hoped it was Draco but at the same time didn't, i would never let him see me like this.

I don't turn around but keep my head straight. I feel someone sit next to me as I realise it's Caitlin. She looks at me sadly, the only expression she could truly show on her face at this time.

"He broke up with you, didn't he?" Is all she simply said. I nodded my head and started to cry more. Caitlin had seen every side of me, so I wasn't afraid to cry in front of her. She hugs me immediately and very tightly as she rubs my back in comfort.

She whispered words like "it's going to be ok" and "he'll be back before you know it" but she had no idea. I cried more as my heart went from aching to breaking. The pain was simply enough to kill me on the spot.

* Later in the night *

"Hey, how you feeling?" Caitlin asks me as she sits on her bed looking at me. I was in bed, trying to get some sleep but it was no use. I shake my head at her.

"What do you think, Cait?" I ask sarcastically. She looks down and back up. She walks over to me and crouches next to my bed. I move my head a little to look at her.

"I'm sorry Cait I'm just you know" I trail off. She stands up and hugs over my cocooned body.

"Do you want to come to the meeting today? Or should I tell them what's up?" She asks as she releases me. As much as I wanted to say no, I shouldn't be selfish. They need me, plus it would take my mind off it.

"No I'll come."

"Are you sure?" Caitlin questions as I start to get out of bed.

"Ugh, let's go then" I say as I pull my trousers up. Caitlin looks at me, with a bit of disgust.

"Like that? C'mon, the least you can do is put something cleaner on." She as she starts to rummage through my draws. She takes out some jeans and a T-shirt as I start to put them on. I sort my hair out as we get ready to walk out the room.

We get into the Common Room and I see Draco on the sofa. He looked up and saw me as he smiled but then it quickly was wiped away. I diverted my eyes away as I carried on walking next to Caitlin.

"Oh, Jade you don't look so good" Hermione says as I enter the Room of Requirement. I shrug at her.

"Im just going through something at the moment but it's ok." I say back giving her a weak smile. She places her hand onto my shoulder and brings me in for a hug. At first I'm surprised but hug back holding in my tears. She pulls away and directs me over to a space as we start to get on with the lesson.

"Today we're going to be doing diminuendo, which is where an object can shrink. As it's part of a charm I would have Jade to help me out." Harry finishes. I go over to him as he gestures for me to stand in front of the mannequin. I take my wand out.

"diminuendo." I shoot the spell and the mannequin shrinks. I turn around and face the class.

"With this spell it's all about pronunciation . You have to say it clearly or it won't work. Let's see you give it a try." I say as people start to back up. I walk around the room as I watch people performing the spell. Most people were starting to get it by now which made me proud. The doors for the room opened as Nigel stepped in worried.

"Guys, we have a problem, again." Nigel says as he enters the room.

"What's up Nigel?" Harry says as he walks over to him, some people stop to listen in.

"You know the inquisitorial squad that Umbridge was recruiting. Well I've just seen some of them. It was a chubby guy, a quite taller guy and a skinny blonde one. They were all in-"

"Slytherin..." I finish off. I couldn't believe it, well I could but I was hoping he wasn't telling the truth. Everyone looked over to me.

"It's Draco and Crabbe and Goyle. They said they were going to join. I'm sorry guys" I apologise and look down disappointed.

"There's no need to apologise Jade, this wasn't your fault." Hermione says as she comes closer to me.

"We just need to be more careful now, watch each other's back and try not to get caught." Harry says as he walks around the room. He claps to signal for people to carry on as we do.

If Draco caught me doing this then it would make things 10 times worse. Or it would zero affect on this at all. I couldn't think about it anymore, I distracted my mind elsewhere as i continued to watch people perform the spell.

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