Birthday party

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                It was my birth day today! I shot up and got ready. I got dressed and dashed to dad's room. "Dad! It's my birthday today!" I yelled jumping on his bed, being careful not to hurt dad with my heels. "Ok I'm up! Be careful with those heels ya know!" Dad laughed. I ran to Bandit's room and shook her. "Bandit!  It's my birthday!" I yelled. She shot straight up and quickly got dressed. Dad came in looking kinda casual but still kinda fancy. Bandit did the same. I dressed a bit fancy but eh, whatever.

~skip to park~

       We had a dance party there and it was awesome! I made new friends and a crush. YOU DIDN'T READ ANYTHING. *^* ANYWHO! We stayed at the park and lit fireworks. I lit some upside down. No not on the grass, on the concrete sidewalk.

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