Bandit's birthday

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                      I woke up to find Bandit shaking me. "It's my birthday! You have to wear masks!" With that she kissed my cheek (ok who did this when they were little? Kiss people on the cheeks?) and left. I jumped up and got ready. I finished off my make up and walked downstairs, pulling at my heels. I saw Bandit run in with dad. She was wearing a pink mask and dad was wearing the one from na na na. Dad gave me my ceral and we all ate.

~time skip to the party because fuck it~

                     "So your Alice?" Chris asked. "Yup, in the fleash." You gave a cheeky smile. "How old are you?" Chris asked. "16. I'm getting piercings tomorrow. D-Gerard said I could." I gave off another smile and sat down with Bandit, Copeland and Kena.

~after the party~

                    I took a shower and got ready for tomorrow. The piercings.

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