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~Time Skip to 2/23/15~

I screamed. Reason being is because, I'm being chased by a giant ass dog. I ran and was about to turn when I tripped. "Nice dog." I said. He lunged at me. I rolled out of the way and started running again. I climbed a tree and grabbed my phone. Quickly dialing Animal Control.

(A=Alice P= Pet/Animal control.)

P: Hello. Animal control.

A: Hello. There is a great Dane mixed German sheeperd chasing me. I'm in a tree, it's right below me.

P: Remain calm and what is your location?

A: 6425 Abridged Street. 697408 Las Vegas. California.

P: We will be right there!

I hung up and waited. (BTW That address isn't real. Don't try finding it because, Gerard doesn't actually live there.) I saw the truck come in. The dog catcher ran out. He got the dog and made it clear for me to jump down. I thanked him and he left. I walked home and Gerard huged me. "Where have you been?" He asked, worriedly. "O got chased by a great Dane mixed German Shepherd." I answered. He nodded and I left to my room. I remembered about Jason. He usually was busy so, I left it be. Bandit came on my room and laid next to me. "Hey, sukoshi." I said. She looked at me and I then added,"It means small in Japanese." She nodded and cuddled into my side. I kissed her head and she cuddled even more into me. "Girls?" Dad asked. "In my room!" I screamed. Dad came in my room and saw me cuddling with Bandit.

@/gerardway: Little cuddlers. @/alice.wayy

He sent that to me and I posted it. I just tagged dad in the picture. "So little people." Dad laughed. Bandit puffed her cheeks. "I have been called small to many times today." We all laughed.

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