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             Mom and I went to get our nails done. We got there and we walked in. " 2 appointments under Lyn-Z?" Mom and I walked up. I got black claws and mom got white and black nails. "So hun. Have you ever gotten your nails done before?" Mom asked. I shook my head no. "Well, do you like it?" Mom asked. I nodded and she kissed my head. "Great. By the way, love your hair." Mom smiled. "Thanks mom." I smiled back. The wedding was tomorrow. I'm excited. We decided to get our toes done too. So we waited in the little seat while they were pouring in the water.

@alice.waYy: Getting my nails done with momma. @lyn_zxoxo

We got done and we went back home, taking the suit case and going to a hotel with Bandit. "We have to wake up at 6." Mom told me. I nodded, I always wake up at 5 or 6 so it was easy. Mom set her alarm and took out her dress, I took out mine, and Bandit took out hers. I got out my heels and jewelry. I set up the make up and the curling irons. I was excited for the wedding.

Note: OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!! THE WEDDING IS GONNA BE RELEASED TODAY!!!! After, the wedding. I'm gonna take a 2 day break off of this book because I skipped a lot of days and I want it to match up the dates. I will be updating my other stories if you wanna read them.  Oh I also found better hair

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