14. Trouble in paradise( pt 2 )

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Not long after breakfast Flora left to go walk around the garden. Jin was cleaning up the table along with Namjoon while Hoseok, Jungkook, and Nova were just chatting. I was left with Jimin. "So tell me Tae did you hook up with the french princess" he smirks at me while I just roll my eye "No and if we did it wouldn't be any of your business, we just fell asleep while watching a movie that's it" Jimin lays back on his seat content with the answer I gave him. Then he starts to start looking at questions at Hoseok and Nova. "hey you two over there" Nova and Hoseok both turn around to face him.

"yes, Jimin" Hoseok has enough Jimin. "Where did you and... sorry what your name again"Jimin questions. "I'm Nova" she clarifies "right sorry I'm not good with names," Jimin said apologetically. it's true this guy sucks at remembering people's names. It took I'm months to remember mine when we first met. "back to what I was saying. where did the two of you go last night, both of you disappeared". Nova looked down and it was clear that she was blushing but she just looked away avoiding eye contact with everyone "I-I think I should go look for Flora" and just like that Nova escaped the question being thrown at her. Now only leaving Hoseok with the Burning Question being asked.

"Well, I'm going to safely assume you two got to know each other well" Jimin smirks like the noisy bitch he is. "Did you two by any chance uhhh I don't know...Hookup!" Jimin throws the final question towards Hoseok.

Hoseok doesn't answer and that alone answers all of Jimin's questions. "Well at least somebody got some last night," Jimin pouts. "aww did the prince not attract any girls last night" Hoseok mocks Jimin's pout. "Well I wouldn't say attractive but the strangest thing that happened to me last night" jungkook started to pay attention now curious to what Jimin has to say. Honestly, this grabbed all of our attention. "Well, go on, tell us what happened," Jungkook said urgently. "Okay so I was roaming through the crowd of people trying to see if everything was going alright with the guest and whatnot, but I had a weird feeling someone was watching, I just couldn't tell from where. so I started looking around like a madman till I saw her".

"her?" all of us question. "Yes, her. A girl that looked around our age was just staring at me through the crowd, she looked familiar so I started to walk towards her but once I started moving she was walking away." Jimin has all of us at the edge of our seats. "one I was close, she was out of sight, poof gone. I spent most of the night looking for her and nothing". we were a bit weirded out.

"Maybe you just drank too much and you thought you saw someone," Hoseok said, making Jimin frustrated. "I wasn't drunk as a matter of fact. I haven't even touched a drink yesterday. I know what I saw and that girl just disappeared.''Did you speak with the guards?". "No, I wanted to handle this on my own".

" What are you three talking about," Jin said walking in with Namjoon after leaving everything in the kitchen. "Just a mysterious girl Jimin found," I say. "Speaking of girls. Tae Are you and Flora a thing?" my oldest brother questions. "What about it?" I asked with a bit of a concerned tone. "I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into Tae, she a future Queen and that comes with a lot of responsibilities and I would know" Jin states " especially Flora she has eyes on her all the time she can't risk doing anything that can tarnish her name". "Jin, why are you telling me that I know I'm a prince".

"You may be a prince you are never going to understand the position she is in, he has to rule a country, you don't. you never had the experience and you might never will. I don't say this to be cruel but you have to understand that this relationship won't be like a normal one" I just still and take in all the words my brother is saying to me. "as royals, we aren't granted that luxury". hoseok chimes in the conversation. "Jins right being a king or a queen isn't easy, I've been under the court's watch, they want me to marry s quick as possible to be able to keep my crown and since I've been lacking in the relationship department I have no choice for them to chose for me. and don't get

I started with the consent watch I'm under by my guards, I might be king but I'm always tied down to work. and that'll be Flora soon." I sat and just absorbed everything being told to me.

"We're not trying to scare you, but think about this because once it goes public it'll be hard to leave the relationship". "why would I want to think about leaving it, when we just started dating" I question "being with someone is a commitment Tae it's important to know if you have true feelings for them"

With everything being said to me I was starting to get overwhelmed "Thanks guys for the advice but I think I'm going to go for a walk to think about this" pushing in my seat I walk out of the clear structure, I exhale and just walk with no destination in mind.

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