Chapter 3

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Ok guys this is chapter one of two of this week. Hope you enjoy.

     I woke up to sunlight in my face. I slowly look to the side to see luke sitting in a chair next to my hospitol bed. Nope, not dead yet. Too bad though, I wish I was dead. What, if you felt the pain i feel all throughout my body, and then in about a year have to get married to your bully unwillingly, you would wish you were dead too.

     My thoughts left my head when luke got up out of his chair and held my hand."Good morning sunshine" he said softly. I smiled at him actually being nice. "Since when were you ever nice to me." I said jokingly.

     His face went from sweet to serious the second after i said that. He then turned around and walked out of the door without saying a word.

     Did I say somthing? What did i do?

***luke's POV***

     It has been a month now and she hasn't woken up. I have been sitting here every night. Her parents have not come at all. I look at her just sitting there with wires and tubes hooked up to her.

     I did this to her. I put her in this position. How am i ever going to have the strength to ignore her. She is so beautiful i need to show her how beautiful she is. But if i do that she will just get hurt. And i dont want her in this position again. I will just have to find the strength to ignore her. I will just talk to her when the time needs it.

     I was taken from my thoughts when i saw her move her head through the corner of my eye.

     Ohh my god. She is awake. She is finally awake. I then got up to hold her hand. "Good morning sunshine" i said as softly as i could. She smiled and said. " since when were you ever nice to me" i know she ment it in a joking way, but it just reminded me to ignore her. If i don't, i will just hurt her.

     I got up and walk out of the hospitol. I drove home and invited the boys over. We were going to play video games.

     " hey guys, haven't seen youj in forever." I greeted calum, michael and ashton."hey you never told us you got your own place mate." Ashton said. " yeah, i just forgot i guess" i lied. " you can give yourself a tour if you want , i can get the game set up while you do." I said.

      They nodded and headed upstairs. I set up the game. I was going to sit down when i remembered that i forgot to hid Anna's stuff. SHIT.

     I quickly ran upstairs to hide anna's things but i was too late.

     " hey luke, who's thong is this." Calum said holding up anna's thong from my bedroom doorway. I quickly tried to make up a lie. " um .... uh it is the previous girl i had fun with. If you know what i mean." I lied. I would never have sex with anyone one else but anna. She doesnt deserve that. " ohh i think we all know what you mean luke." Michael said wiggling his eyebrows.

     Man, trying to keep them from knowing about the engagement is going to be ALOT harder than i thought. Then are like detectives. If somehing is different or unusual, they will get to the bottom of it.

Anna's POV***


     When will i just get out of this hell hole. I just want out. I am almost all the way healed. So why can't i just leave.

      The nurse then walked in with a message from god. " ok so the doctor said that you can get out after you eat your last meal." She said. " ok, thank you" i said trying to sound completly calm, but ultimatly failing. I could tell from the look of 'she is mental' on the nurse's face.

     I laughed as she left the room. And when she finally left i dug into the terrible hospital food.

     When I finished the meal. I got dressed and got what little i had there. I got in the car and started to think about what i will do next.

    I could bring home some video games. No i dont really know what games he would want. I just want to say ' thank you for saving me ' to him in a nice way. Also he was nice to me once, so he can be nice again if i try hard enough. But, i dont want to go all out at first. I want to take it slow. How about some pizza, that is a good start. Right?

     On the long ride home, i got his favorite pizza. PEPPERONI!

     I got home and knocked on the door. Luke opened the door and took the pizza in his hand and grabbed me so that i was behind him. He stood in front of me hidding me from the living room area and took me to the foot of the stairs." Go upstairs and stay out of my fucking way" he whispered meanly.

     I was shoked because just a few hours ago he was saying " good morning sunshine." In a nice way. Now he was saying " go upstairs and stay out of my fucking way". i fucking swear he is bipolar. I wish he didnt have such a big ego. I say that because i hear his friends downstairs. So he probably sent me up here so that i am not an embarasment to him. I feel so worthless. I think luke and his friends left because i heard the front door slam and it is very quiet down there. (Warning there is self-harm in this next part) I quickly ran into the bathroom locked the door and grabbed my blade.

This is for being worthless.cut

This is for being not good enough.cut

This is for bing ugly.cut

This is for bing fat.cut

This is for being a whore.cut

This is for being a slut.cut

This is for luke.cut

This is for my parents.cut

And this is for the arranged marriage.cut

     Then i cut worthless into my left thigh. Fat into my right. It just felt so good. I was about to cut whore into my left arm when there was banging on the door.

     "Are you ok Anna?please open up." Luke yelled from the opposite side of the door." No, i dont need your help" i lied.

     "Please open up before i knock this door down." He yelled louder than the last time. "No" i yelled firmly."ok" he said quieter. It got really quiet and then i heard running. Then the door busted open.

    Hey guys i hope you liked this chapter. I will be updating again on Wednesday to make up for not updating on saterday.

     the song of the week is "i write sins not tragities" by panic at the disco.

    Bye guys, love you, see you this wednesday.

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