chapter 11

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Still in luke's POV

"What did you do"

Just then my eyes popped open to see anna pacing the room with the phone in her hands.

Oh thank goodness, it was all a dream. If it was real i would be mortified. Seeing that look on anna's face just broke my heart and i never ant to see it again.

"You know you have a family and doing this is going to ruin everything....yes i am going tell her, she deserves to know... you know what fuck off," anna hung up and slammed the phone on the bed. She burried her head in her pillow and started screaming and crying. Punching the pillow over and over. "Babe, what is wrong? What happened?" I asked. "Everything is wrong. My dad just told me that he has been cheating on my mom for years and the woman he had an affair with is pregnant. Then he expects me to be calm and happy and not tell mom. For Christ's sake, i still have to tell mom cause dad wont. She will be devastated. What do i do?" She slammes her head into her pillow and groans, starting to cry again.

"We can head over to their house and tell her. She will need a shoulder to cry on. I will help you through the whole thing." I said trying to comfort her. "Oh thank you luke you are the best fiancé ever."

We get ready and head to the car. This has got to be hurting her so much. She is such a strong person.

We get there and anna looks so stressed. "Dont worry babe, it will be fine. I am here and i will help in any way possible"i said while rubbing her hand. "Ok thank you so much luke. We should go in now." We knock on the door. No one comes. So we knock again. We hear shuffling by the door. Finally the door opens to reveal anna's mom. "Hey mom is dad here by any chance." Anna says with a worried voice. "No sweety he is on a business trip for the next 3 weeks." "Actually he is not mrs. Douglas." I chime in. "What do you mean. He said he was going on a business trip." She said confused. " i think it would be better if we talked about this inside mom." Anna said.

We get inside and sit on the couch. " so what is going on here."
"Well mom, for the past five years dad has been cheating on you with another woman. Well dad called me this morning and said that he got her pregnant. It is not just that, the girl is 17. He has been meeting her since she was 12, mom, 12! I am sorry for dropping all of this onto you, but you needed to know. Me and luke will be there for you in any way we can. Just let us know what ever you need. " her mom just stood there in shock. " s-so this whole t-time, this relationship has-has been a lie." "Yes mom. I am so sorry. " just when anna finished, her mom just broke down sobbing. "Why did he do this to me. I have done EVERYTHING for him, EVERYTHING. I made most of the money, i took care of you, i cleaned the house, i made him food, i gave him everything i had. And HE REPAYS ME BY SLEEPING WITH A 12 YEAR OLD AND THEN GETTING HER PREGNANT. I. Fucking. Hate. Him. I want him OUT of this house by friday. That gives him 4 days to pack up and leave. Thank you for telling me anna and luke. Can you help me get his stuff on the sidewalk. If he really wats it he will get it before anyone else does."

We get all of his stuff onto the sidewalk and say our goodbye's. What and eventful day.

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