1.1 stalker

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hey guys right now I'm sitting in my room being fat eating chocolate and lollies. Yummmmmm xx

as Calum and I walked through my house to get some stuff.

"hey lili look at this" he said looking down at a note on my desk.

"a note?,we can read it at yours I want to get out of here."

"okay" he said grabbing the note and putting it in the bag.


*back at Calum's*.

"okay I think we should read the note." I said sounding a bit scared.


I opened the note

'I will find you' written in blood.

I quickly chucked it to the ground with a shocked face.

"OMG w-what does t-that mean" I said stuttering

"I don't know but your not going to leave my sight ever or the boys." he said sternly.

"Okay" was all I could get out.

"Do you wanna watch a movie." He smiled but it wasn't a real smile it was a forced one.

"Yeah sure as long as it is mean girls" I said giggling

"Your just like Luke you know" he smiled

"Yeah well maybe I should date him not you." I smirked

"No your all mine" he said walking over to me leaning in his lips lingered just above mine I leaned in more and felt our lips connect and move in sync with each other.

"Maybe we should just watch the movie." I mumbled against his lips.


Calum's POV

I woke up slowly sitting up to find myself in a ditch in the middle of what to look like the woods. I looked to my left to see luke sitting there slowly waking up as well

'What are We doing here' I muttered to him, he just shrugged.

"Your here because I don't want you protecting Megan or Lili"said a husky voice we instantly turned around to see a tall black figure walking towards us.

"Why?" Luke asked curiously.

"Because I need them, there not like us." He said leaning closer to my face making me inch backwards to find myself hitting a tree.

"What do you need with them?" I asked

"That you do not need to know" he said

"Well I would like to know because that's my girlfriend your talking about!" raising my voice a little but I instantly regretted it.

Before I knew it he pulled out a gun and shot me three times in the stomach doing the same to luke before he could do anything.

He then dragged us to the side of the road before quickly running off.

Lili's POV

I woke up in bed slowly rolling over to not feel anyone by me. I quickly sat up and checked my phone to see 4 texts and 3 missed calls from Megan.

I walked down the stairs to find a note. I carefully opened it.

'Good luck finding your lover' written in blood again.

I quickly rang Megan to see why she rang so many times.

"Hello Megan"


"Yes Megan calm down we will find them I am going to yours now and we can drive and find them"


"Okay cya in 5"

I say before hanging up and getting changed into a pair of shorts and my favourite red striped tee. Before racing out the house and driving to Megan's.


We had been driving around for a good 2 hours before I remembered.

"Only guardian vampires and originals have daylight rings and they have to stay somewhere dark-" before I could finish Megan finished.

"Which means we have to go to the woods." she smiled for the first time today.

"Let's go." I said as I sped off

We soon arrived and walked into the woods following the path. We walked for a good 10 minutes until we found two lifeless Bodies laying on the ground.

"OMG" I ran over to calum and rolled him over to find three bullet holes in his stomach.

"We have to get them home" she said. We didn't need the hospital he just needs some blood and he should be ok.

I hope.

We grabbed them and put them in the back off my car as I jumped into the drivers seat. Megan found the blood bags and fed them to the boys as they slowly drank.



"I think this is trap" I said looking at the wires off my car ripped out. we both looked at each other before the car door opened to find Oliver and Tyler. Our psycho ex boyfriends.

We tried to scream but nothing worked he stabbed something in my arm and dragged me out of the car.

I couldn't feel my limbs everything was numb. The pulled us into there car and sped off.

Luke POV

I woke up slightly laying on top of Calum, we were covered in blood.

"Calum" I shook him as he slowly woke up.

All I remember was that I was shot and then Megan and Lili helping us into the car and giving us blood. Then the girls where taken.

Where were they?

"Calum the girls are missing" I said Calum instantly shot up.

"There what" he almost yelling.

"T-there gone" I stuttered.

Dun dun dahhhhhhh
I like leaving you guys on edge not knowing what's gonna happen.

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