0.4 new friends

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That night as I arrived home and had got off the bus, I walked inside to see my mum was making dinner.

"hi mum" then walking up to her to give her a hug.

"hi lili has was your first day of school." all the things that happened today came back one in particular. That the boys know I am a vampire.

"It was good I made some new friends hopefully some more tomorrow." but the thing was I didn't just want to have guy friends I wanted to have girl friends that we could go shopping and stuff.

"ok we'll dinner almost ready so go upstairs and do some homework."

"what's for dinner?"

"food" I always hated when she said that.

I then went upstairs to my bedroom to complete some home work not that I had much. mum then called us down for dinner.

"So lili when's your year 12 prom ball thing." dad asked

"I think it's next week." I hated the fact I had come during the third term of school but it means not as much stuff, we'll except the 101 exams that we have to do. Well a least not me the principal let me off because I did then back at my old school.

"yeah well your not going to have anyone to go with because no guys going to want to take you to prom." I then slapped Daniel on the arm

" if I remember right you didn't even go to your prom because you were to scared." he just made a sad face and kept eating.


The next day at school I had first period without the boys which meant I could make new friends.

I walked into science then teacher placed us with are partners for rest of the term.

"Melissa and Stacey" the teacher read out then two girls started jumping around in excitement.

"Lili and Taylor and Hayley at the back bench please". yeah I made finally make new friends I sat in the middle of them. Hayley was so pretty she had long brown hair and light brownish greenish eyes it was so cool. Taylor then had long brown hair that had layers in it then deep brown eyes like me.

"hi" was all I said

"Hi" Hayley replied with a giggle.

" So I see your new here" taylor said then me nodding

"How about you come and hang out with me and the girls at lunch Taylor will be there to" Hayley replied

"Yeah sure" I nodded .

After science we walked out of our class and put are books away, which I had just figured out that there lockers are in the same area as me which is good.

We then walked over to a bunch of girls. Who then greeted me.

"Hi girls this is lili she's knew here." Hayley then told who everyone was.

"Ok so this is Megan" pointing to a girl with long blonde hair and sky blue eyes. She then came and gave me a hug.

"This is Kayla" pointing to a girl who had long brown hair that was put to the side. She waved at me.

"This is Bella, unfortunately she's my sister" pointing to a girl with short dirty blonde hair.

"You don't really look alike" I replied

"Yeah she looks like my dad and I look like my mum." Hayley then sat down with the rest of the girls and so did I.

We talked and talked it felt like I knew these girls forever.

"OMG the hotties are coming this way." I heard Taylor say I then turned around to see Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton walking to us.

"Oh I met them yesterday were kinda friends" all the girls jaws dropped.

"Lili they are the bad boys of school and your friends wi..." Kayla was then cut off by Taylor.

"Omg can you get me in me with Michael." almost jumping in excitement.

"Umm I'm not sure." I replied unsure what to say.

"Hi lili" said Calum

"Hi Calum" I smiled and waved.

"Hi Taylor" Michael shyly smiled over to Taylor.

"Hi" Taylor waved blushing a bit, ok maybe a bit to much.

"Hurry up and make out already" Kayla said.

We all laughed and Michael and Taylor blushed.

School ended and before we all left we exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

The only thing I'm worried about was if or how I was going to tell the girls that I'm a vampire

So guys I hope you enjoyed this I'm sorry it's been awhile. Please vote and comment if you have anything you want to include.

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