the beginning

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"Wow, I forgot how much I loved this movie, "Y/N said

She got done watching lord of the rings,

"You know... I should have watched this first but whatever" Y/N said

Y/N put the movie disc in then sat on her couch in their apartment,
As the movie starts the power starts to flicker,

"What! But I wanted to watch Precious," Y/N said

The television started to flicker and a portal started to come through the TV, while Y/N sat there still eating their popcorn

"Well ain't this just a son of a bi##t," Y/N declared 

The portal started to suck them in,

"I didn't ask for this," Y/N said 

She got sucked into the portal and blacked out,

Meanwhile, Gandalf was going to the shire, on his way there he noticed a person falling from the sky

"What is this?" Gandalf said

He stops the carriage,
as they landed on the ground making a dent in the dirt,

"Who are you," Gandalf said 

He looked at them and checked their pulse,

"Good, you are alive," Gandalf said

He looked around before moving his hand around the crystal in his staff and chanting a spell, Y/N's unconscious body lifts in the air following into the back of the carriage,

 Gandalf stopped staring at them before walking over to the carriage to get back on but... He felt something weird about this person,

He sat on the carriage seat, taking a glance at the new passenger, and he sighed.

"Whatever put you in this world... Will be found out," Gandalf said

He commanded his steed to start pulling and they listen, they went down a path to an unknown adventure. 

Y/N opens her eyes to be blinded by the sun and turned the other way, laying on her side, but something was off, if this was her bed then why is hay stuck in her hair... She shot up from her spot looking frantically, until she sees a familiar character sitting in front of her. 

 "Hello Y/N L/N, nice to see you are ok," Gandalf said

 Y/N didn't know what to say, Gandalf stopped the carriage to talk to them, 

 "How do you know my name?" Y/N asked looking at Gandalf to see how tall he is, 

 "I fell like a dwarf," Y/N said

Y/N didn't know she said that out load, but Gandalf didn't mind it, he finds it quite refreshing. He chuckled at this before asking her, 

 "Do you know my name?" 

 "Yes I do you are Gandalf the gray," Y/N said wondering where this is going,

 "Good, now we know each other. How did you get here?" Gandalf said

 The carriage started to move again, 

"All I was doing was watching a movie, then a portal comes out of the TV and then everything turned black, ¨ Y/N said 

She looks around them. Noticing the little town there in... it filled with greengage and little homes in the ground, she let out a small smile, 

¨ I woke up here" Y/N said

 "So my spell worked, good it will be needed" Gandalf thought to himself,

 "Sounds like an exciting trip, are you alright?" Gandalf said

 "You can say that I am alright and so where are we going" Y/N said 

She looked over his shoulder with curiosity before they both witness the beauty of the shire, Gandalf glanced at her before answering her, 

 "We are in the shire to start a journey" Gandalf said

  " It's more beautiful in person" Y/N thought

 they went through the shire, with Y/N admiring her surrounding... she saw this in the movie, but it doesn't compare to it, 

 "We are here to get Bilbo Baggins to join the company of Thorin Oakenshield" Gandalf said

Y/N felt the carriage stop and looked in front of them to see Bilbo hobbit hole, Gandalf got out of his seat while Y/N tries to get out of the carriage, but her foot got stuck, Gandalf being a gentleman helped Y/N gout of the carriage once her feet landed on the ground she felt a new feeling move thought her. One she does not know, Gandalf moves past her to an old friend of his, 

"Good morning" Bilbo said while smoking,

   "What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning or do you mean that is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning? Or are you simply stating that this a morning to be good" Gandalf and Y/N said at the same time,

 Gandalf looked at them amused, but Bilbo looked confused at them, 

 "All of them at once I suppose" Bilbo said

Bilbo looked at Y/N noticing she's wearing weird clothes but... she to him looked nice, 

  "Can I help you both" Bilbo said

 "It remains to be seen, I have been looking for someone to share an adventure with us," Gandalf said

  Bilbo looked at Y/N seeing her looking at his garden, he couldn't help but think. 

"She is not from here with clothes like that, I can't help but feel that something is off with her" Bilbo thought


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