Chapter 23 - Prom

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Thursday 23rd June (2016)
Philippa's POV

"Cheers girls!" We all shout in unison as we make our way to the hotel for prom. Glass of champagne in hand, singing and laughing with Billie and Nancy. The bubbles had started to get to my head and I think it's fair to say I was a little tipsy. Not only had I had champagne, but I'd bought me and girls some minis to have on the way aswell, and they were inhaled in the first two minutes - so I think it's fair to say we were absolutely wasted.

We pulled up to the entrance and I was first to get out, sliding the door open I stumbled out the limousine with the girls following in the same manner. Saying an enthusiastic 'hey' to everyone I made eye contact with, my eyes soon fell on my Michael. From fear of falling I stayed still and just smiled, he got the hint and made his way over to me, his face lit up when he saw my dress.

"Alright Taylor..." He asked coolly, knowing teachers were surrounding us.

"Ahhh, hi Sir! Fancy seeing you hear..." I replied trying to look as sober as I possibly could.

You look... really stunning, Miss Taylor..." He whispered as he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, turning us both round so nobody could see what he said.

"Oooh, Mr Carter you shouldn't be saying that to one your students..." I said flirtatiously before bursting into a fit of giggles and stumbling for the disorientation.

"Have you had something to drink?" He sternly asked, tightening his grip on my arm.

"Nooooo!... Well... maybe a few..." I giggled again, looking into his eyes and they turned into a glare.

"God Philippa. You can't make us obvious tonight you know, we've done so well with keeping it a secret. In fact, i'm gonna get you some water." He replied in a possessive tone.

Mick turned round to another teacher and whispered, 'I'm just gonna get her some water, I think she's enjoyed the pre drinks', so nothing looked suspicious as he put his hand on the small of my back and led me to the hotel toilets.

He filled a glass and passed it to me as I lent against his shoulder. Both of us looking into the reflection of the mirror and smiling slightly. His gaze still looked at me through the mirror as his hand moved hair out of my face, he replaced it with a peck on my cheek as he repeated his earlier comment.

"You look amazing, by the way. That necklace looks gorgeous..." He said again, watching intently as I drank slowly from the glass of water.

"You don't look too bad yourself... and I'm sorry, I knew it wasn't a good idea to come to my prom steaming drunk..." I apologised after beginning to sober up, caressing the necklace between my thumb and index finger.

"It's your prom, you deserve to have a good time. I guess I just got worried you would blurt something out." He looked guilty.

"I can be stupid when i'm drunk, but not that stupid." I said as I went on my tiptoes to kiss him.

As he pulled back and shook his head, I reassured him that everyone was outside, and in turn he placed a small kiss on my lips and led me back outside again.

I came outside to be met with Mr Travis, he asked how i'm feeling and shook Mick's hand, it felt so weird to be at a hotel, in a dress, with my two maths teachers.

I interrupted their conversation and asked Mr Travis to get a photo with me, passing my phone camera to Mick as we stood waiting. Mr Travis looked at me intently after the photo was taken before moving on to another group of students. I stayed chatting to Mick for a few minutes more before finding the girls again.

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