Chapter 21 - Treat

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After the incident with Joe and the police, Mick was so supportive. He stuck up for me when teachers got angry at me for missing deadlines and listened to my rants whenever we had time to spend together - which wasn't much at the minute because of Joe and I was coming to the end of exams. Of course to my family, he was just the 'nice teacher that cares about the family', which he was but they missed out on one vital piece of information - the 'nice teacher' had been in a relationship with their daughter for the last month - which gave me mixed feeling because it was nice they didn't know everything for once but my Mum was my best friend and I really wished I could tell her.

Saturday 18th June (2016)
Exams had finally finished and it was our day to meet up. His girlfriend was at work, his mum had Luke and my Mum and Dad were sorting out Joe's situation - giving witness statements of Joe's character to say he's not aggressive or something?

We were sat in his front room and he told me to put the kettle on, so as I put it on he then asked me to open the letter that was on the kitchen counter. I did as I was told, I found a confirmation letter for a hotel. As the kettle was boiling, I took it into him, acting as though I hadn't read it and as I passed it over he'd asked if i'd read it. I ended up saying yes - there was no way I could lie to that face - and he just looked at me. Raising his eyebrows and winking very obviously, clearly trying to hint something which I wasn't getting at all.

"What?" I snuffed, tired of not understanding what he was going on about.

"It's for us, Taylor. I booked us a night away in the Lake District. Just me and you, with no worries about being spotted, what do you think?" He exclaimed, but spoke hesitant as he knew I didn't like surprises.

"Seriously? Michael Carter have you actually? Oh my god... this is amazing! You're literally the best!" I screamed, I was so so excited we finally get a night just me and him, no guilt, no paranoia. Just us.

"Shhhh, we don't know the neighbours hearing... and I'm glad you're happy Taylor, I think we need to get away from here." He whispered as he cupped my face, as I involuntarily rested my head in his hand.

Admiring the man in front of me, I completely forgot about the boiled kettle. I jumped up and rushed to make the brews, Mick followed me in and got a flask out of his kitchen cupboard. Gesturing to me that we're taking these to drive.

"Woah wait, what's your girlfriend doing? What about Luke? What am I telling my parents?" I started worrying about what we were about to do and whether he had thought about this at all - did he forget about the circumstances that we were doing this in?

"All sorted you don't have to worry, you can tell your Mum you're staying at Nancy's or Billie's i'm sure she'll be fine with it." He replied with a cool tone, understanding that I panic and get worried about situations like this.

"Okay what's the time, twenty-past-one, do you think we should set off? You need to pack and then we need to go to mine so I can get my things and tell my Mum i'm staying at Billie's for the night." I said, again showing my bossy side. What can I say, I like to be organised.


We were on the way to mine and I'd told him to park round the corner so my Mum didn't see who's car I was in. Packing my things after she agreed to letting me stay, I said bye and kissed her on the cheek before running out the door and jumping in the car, grabbing his jaw and smashing my lips onto his before he pushed the handbrake down and began to drive away.

We called at the service station half way and I stayed in the car whilst he bought a McDonalds for us to devour in the comfort in his car. We listened to music, laughed an unbelievable amount and chatted about how amazing tonight will be. I saw his awful 'dad' dancing and heard his terrible singing voice, and he has the pleasure of the same experience with me, but it was okay because we didn't care and we were so fucking happy to just be in each others company that nothing else mattered.

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