Chapter 16

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{Ray POV}

Ever since Christmas I've been texting Nicole nonstop but she hasn't replied so I gave up. I was currently at Roc's house with the boys smoking, trying to get high.

"Yo you seen Miracle's new car?" Prince showed a pic in her Instagram with Miracle sitting in the front seat of a pink Ferrari with Nicole on the hood.

"D@mn her mom must have saved up for years." Roc said.

"Na Nicole bought it for her." Prince said.

"No the hell she didn't."

"I've been lurking and the picture before this said Xmas with my girl and this picture says cars from your BFF are the best."

"Christmas with my Girl. That's a nice song name."

"Really Prod? Really?"

"Go on Nicole's page." I said.

"The newest picture she put up was her in her Santa dress kissing a puppy with the caption my baby."

I smiled.

"Don't get to hype." Prince chuckled. "Her bio doesn't say taken, its just says this Christmas I gave you you my heart, the very next day you gave it away. That's actually a good bio."

"I could still have a chance."

"I guess- Um no you don't Miracle just uploaded a new photo, how did she get 47 likes in 52 secs?"

"What's the picture?"

"A selfie with her and Nicole and it says date night."

"So? Girls go on lunch dates with each other all the time. I'll even call her right now."

I unlocked my phone and seen miracle texted me. It was a picture of Nicole with another n!gga. I called her.

Phone Convo☎️

Miracle : Hello?

Me: You let her go out with someone else already? You was suppose to make sure it didn't happen.

Miracle : Well she needed to forget about you so yea.

Me: But I don't want her to.

Miracle : Well you f*cked up and she's getting over you so leave it alone and move on like she is.

??: Hey ma you okay?

Miracle : Yea I'm good just talking to my cousin I'll be right there.

Me: Who was that?

Miracle : I need to go Ray I'll call you back.

She hung up on me and I just called Nicole and she didn't answer so I kept calling her. I started leaving voicemails and texted her. I called her again and this time she answered.


Nicole: Hi who is this? This number isn't stored in my phone.

Me: Really baby, you gonna do me like that. I've been trying to talk to you for a while now.

Nicole: Oh is this Ray? Sorry but I'm busy I'll call you later.

She hung up on me. Like what the f^ck!!!!

"She dissed your a$$ didn't she" Roc said while laughing.

"Shut up"

"Is Miracle really on a date?" Prod asked.

"Yep. I heard a n!gga in the background and everything."

He didn't say anything.

"Come on let's go." Roc said while grabbing his keys.

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