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The tall male cleared his throat, his deep voice echoing in the rather empty house.

They certainly are a lazy couple.

You eyed the pile of boxes lying behind him,waiting to be opened.

"Jealous?" Taehyung spoke after the dead silence.

"Uh?" You batted your lashes, mouth hanging open.

"Are you jealous of my riiing?" He dragged the last word sassily as he waved his lean fingers.

You studied the smug expression adorning his face, depriving yourself from having any good thoughts about him because, right now, he is messing with you.

"Am I invited to your wedding?"

This was the only response you could give. Of course this was your response. After having the choice between cursing him out loud or just storm out of the house, you chose to be nice since that was one way to piss him off.

His chair screenched against the wooden flooring as it pulled back. He walked to the front of the table and leaned against it, one hand resting on the surface while the other fiddled with his ring.

You subconsciously fixed your slouched posture to appear confident, yet your reddened face contradicted this.

His chocolate brown eyes travelled from your feet to your head with a visible smirk. He pulled your scarf, body leaping forward dangerously but you rescued yourself by holding onto the table. His hands caressed the beige fabric hugging your neck, " My eyes are up here."

You gulped as your eyes met his, lips trembling slightly. " Cat got your tongue baby?"

Your eyebrows furrowed at his comment and your back straightened as you stood eye-level to him.

"I hate you."

"Do you actually hate me or are you just reminding yourself that you have to hate me? "

You rolled your eyes as your head turned away from his face, to look stare at the blank wall.

"I mean, it's hard to resist me," he muttered and flicked the invisible dust on his shoulder.

You dashed out of his house and slammed the door.

"Don't damage my door frame, little pest!"

You shrugged at his complaint and screamed back, "Serves you right!"

Meanwhile, Taehyung chuckled at your reaction.

Only he knew how much he loved to see you like that. Getting your attention by teasing you like that may not be the best way but if this was the only way to stay on your mind for an eternity, he would gladly do it daily.

Jimin smothered you with kisses the second you stepped into your apartment, filled with the good smell of food.

"How was your day baby?" He cooed, carefully setting the cutlery on the dining table.

Having a boyfriend who is a book editor definitely had its pros and cons. The cons being that he was either really busy chasing authors or an abundance of idle time...while you're 18, dreading to finish school.

The pros being that he was a great analyst, and he can understand you without any words. But you wished you were better at hiding your emotions, because he was deciphering your emotions as easily as he could read korean.

"Why? What's wrong?" He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. You smiled in his warm embrace as his moist lips grazed over your lips, trailing down your jaw to your neck. Your head tilted as your fingers laced onto his soft locks, and he comes back up to look into your eyes.


"Hmm?" He hummed lovingly yet the eyes looked dark.

"I'm hungry," you muttered, biting your lip.

He raised his brows, a gorgeous smirk on his face.

"You're quite straight forward today."

"Yeah , the food on the table looks delicious."

You ran to the bathroom as you laughed like a witch, leaving a stunned Jimin behind.

Heartthrob Teacher 2|K.TH✓Where stories live. Discover now