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You twirled in the dress that Jungkook chose for you. Like a little girl in front of her parents.

Jungkook, hands in his pockets smiled while Alexander and Sandra argued beside him about Alexander's suit for Taehyung's wedding. He wasn't even invited.

And legend has it that Y/N is still trying to figure out how Sandra found out where you guys were shopping.

"Yo Y/N, I know something that would suit your proportions better,"Sandra pushed you to the other side of the shop." Trust the fashion expert."

"But you dress like a garbage can everyday,"Alexander muttered.

Weren't you guys dating or something?"Jungkook asked, crossing his arms looking at the two girls.

"Bro I have standards."

"I guess they are pretty low then."

"Shut the fuck up. It's not like you are any better at the dating game. Have you told Y/N yet?"

"Tell her what?"

"What do you guys think about my dress?"

You tilted your head to the side, and Sandra shouted 'Ta Da!'

"You look beautiful,"Jungkook put his hands in his pockets and flashed the famous bunny smile.

"Just tell her you kinda like her," Alex whispered in his ears and hid it with a cough.

"Alex, no one asked for your opinion so go count the leaves on the sidewalk."

And then it started. Another war between Sandra and Alex.

Taehyung watched Jungkook from afar - what can I say everyone in this goddamn book like looking at each other, and it's mandatory here too.

Alex walks away sulking, tripped over his own foot but got back up again.

Taehyung scoffed, catching Yun Hee's attention.

"Tae, were you listening? "


"I'm starting to think that this is a mistake,"

"No, Yun Hee. Come on, they are just funny so you know I was looking..."

"Well, you look gorgeous Y/N."

You turned around upon hearing the familiar voice.

"Jimin?" Taehyung, Jungkook and of course you, were shocked.

"Jimin!" Yun Hee ran to hug him.

"Yun Hee, have you guys been in touch?"Taehyung asked, with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"Yeah, he's my friend!"

Since when?

"She invited me to your wedding. If it wasn't for her, I don't think I would have ever witnessed your wedding."

Jungkook sneakily held your hand. But it wasn't enough to make you feel secured.

"Y/N, can I talk to you? Alone."

His eyes looked apologetic, they looked at you warmly like before.

You nodded.

"If you need me, I'll be right here okay?" Jungkook whispered and gave him a faint smile.

"How have you been?" Jimin asked, seated besides you on the bench.

You looked everywhere, anywhere except at him.

"Good. And you?"

"Good,I guess."

You nodded, shoulders up from pressing your hands on the bench, eyes now fixated on your shoes.

"Y/N, I am sorry for what happened. I know it wouldn't be of any good if we got back together. So, can we break up properly? I want you to be happy, but not with me."

You looked at him," I think so too Jimin. Let's break up, it'll better for the both of us."
You touched his hand, "I am sorry for how I behaved. I am sorry, and I have learnt a lot from you. Thank you,"You smiled.

Jimin had always been kind, generous and just amazing and you were happy you had dated such a person.

And maybe now you'll learn to talk about your feelings instead of fighting unnecessarily.

"Anyway, for how long have you known Yun Hee?"

"We met in Japan, I think 7 years ago."

Jungkook walked back and forth on the street, waiting for you to come back.

Alex sat on the sidewalk, counting leaves.

"And 56...oh shit!" He screamed as the leaves flew away, the wind probably was his worst enemy that day.

"Can you not disturb please?"Jungkook stomped,"I am thinking!"

"I don't care about Y/N! Have you even bought your clothes?"

Jungkook sighed,"It's okay. You can have the title of Most Handsome for the party," Jungkook stood beside him and kicked a rock.

It was a bet Jungkook and Alex had on their way to the shop. They were both handsome but they still liked to compete.

"Hell yeah. We all know that I am the most good looking, the most talented, the best oxygen breather."

"I bet you're also the most humble,"Sandra interrupted him.

"Where are they?"Jungkook jumped.

Apparently Sandra went to check up on Jimin and Y/N after the thousands of begs from Jungkook.

And she ended uo going when Jungkook gave her 3 dollars.

Classic and iconic 3 dollar.

Unfortunately she hid behind a tree instead of being with Y/N because the conversation was too sweet for her to handle, or in Sandra's words, the conversation was worth vomiting for.

"Did you actually puke though?" Alex questioned.

Sandra shook her head," If I felt like puking, I would have waited and let it all out on that bird nest on your head."

"Are you jealous of my bed head? I think that's what they call it, but you see I'm saving up on hairbrushes."

And blah blah blah, time skips to when you guys went for lunch together after shopping.

Taehyung ordered the food, and he was probably the one going to pay for it.

Jungkook showed you cute animals videos on his phone, Sandra and Alex were still bickering and Yun Hee sat quietly.

Jimin had already left.

But his last words to you will be something to remember.

"It was nice meeting you Y/N."

Yeah, very simple but you had never thought you guys would have ended your relationship on good terms.

And something else that you wouldn't have thought was Yun Hee staring at you, her sharp eyes could pierce your soul.

Yun Hee had been observing you closely for a long time now. She had felt something off about you and Taehyung but she couldn't put her finger on it.

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